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Y/N Pov

I ran through the city as I jumped up and around a building. My symbiote I had named Anti-venom because of it being Venom, but the particles were made anti-particles. (I don't know if that's an actual thing. I think it is but I didn't study it at all. I just made it up.) I landed in a grassy lawn as I walked through. I pulled off the flowers from my back as I walked. I eventually got to where I was going as I stood above a headstone. The rain pouring down on me. 

"I'll avenge you." I said as I laid the flowers next to the headstone.

"I promise, Gwen." I said as I put my hand on the headstone, patting it slightly. I felt that I was going to cry, but I held it back as I stood up and super jumped up to a building. I have so many regrets. But I can't change the past. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you."


"Hey Y/N!" Gwen greeted me as she sat down at my lunch table. 

"Hey Gwen." I said as I took a bite of my bread. 

"Hey Y/N. Hey Gwen." Miles said as he also sat down. We just kept eating while talking.

"Are you sure you two don't have a thing?" Miles asked us as he had a smug smile on his face. 

"No we don't." I said as Gwen looked at me, with the same look Miles had. 

"I would be fine with it." She said as she smiled at me smugly again. Shit. Why do I feel like this. Why did she say that. Fuck.

"Come on. You're important to me. You're my closest friend, no offense Miles. I would be fine with it. You fight for those who you love, and I admire that. That's what you should do, and I want to be like that. Fight for those you care for. And fight for what's right. No matter what keep getting back up and fighting for what is right, even if you break the rules. That's what I admire about you Y/N. That's what I want to learn from you." Gwen said as both me and Miles went silent.

"That got sappy very fast." Miles said earning a chuckle from me and Gwen.

End of Flashback

Why am I thinking about that now? Is it because that's one of the many times I had a chance, but that's one of the few times she praised me and spoke truthfully. I'm so sorry Gwen. I promise, I'll live up to those standards. I let vengeance cloud what I always have been fighting for. What I stand for as Spider-man. I'll fight for what's right. 


I looked down at the destroyed building, covered in black goo. Venom was reported here. He had made practically a gigantic crater through a building, another spire coming out. But it feels like he was waiting for me. I can feel it. Like he's calling to me. I dived down as I entered into the crater, dodging in between different spikes of goo as I got the bottom, I caught myself with a web as I landed on the ground. It was a gigantic room, filled with random things, it's only building illuminated by street lamps covered in goo. Eddie was sitting there, like he was when I first discovered him. He then stood up as he turned to me. 

"So you heard my calling to you. Good. What did you do with that part of us you took?" He asked as I got into a fighting stance.

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