Spider Society

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Y/N Pov

We walked through the hall as we looked into the main room, which was full of Spider-people. 

"Come on. Let's go meet Miguel." Gwen said as I nodded. The entire place was filled with pillars which served as walkways and ways to swing around as we walked on one, to I'm assuming Miguel's office. Suddenly another person landed next to us, and they had a mohawk. Cool.

"Hey Gwen, and I'm assuming you're Y/N." The guy said with an accent. So he must be Hobie.

"Hey Hobie. Yeah, this is Y/N, Y/N, Hobie, Hobie, Y/N." Gwen said as I put out my hand to shake while we were walking. He shook it as we kept walking. 

"So why do you wanna join this huh?" Hobie asked me as I shrugged.

"I don't know. I just wanna be a part of a community." I said as we continued walking, Hobie just smirked at me.

"Or is it, because of her?" He asked as he pointed at Gwen who was walking in front of us, talking to other people.

"Bro shut up." I said as he chuckled.

"I can see it in the way you look at her bro. You're down bad." Hobie said as I sighed.

"Look, I had a Gwen in my universe that I liked, so seeing Gwen, obviously I feel the same way." I said as he nodded.

"Makes enough sense."

"Hey Gwen." Multiple other Spider people said as Gwen greeted them back.

"Hey Peters." Gwen said as we continued walking. We then walked into a room with a bunch of cages with super villains in them.

"Who are these?" I asked as I looked at them all.

"They're anomalies. Folks who wound up in the wrong dimension. We kick their butts and send them home." The computer girl said as she walked past. 

"They're not very interesting." Gwen said as we continued walking.

"What do you mean? We got a bunch of Doc Ock's, a Mysterio Ms. Sterio, video game guys, another video game guy, typeface, an interesting Kraven, a boring Rhino, a prowler, and we still have more coming in." The girl said as we continued walking. We came across a machine that was crawling out of a hole in the roof, as the Rhino we captured was standing on the platform, and another Spider person was controlling it, and they were made of... pixels? I don't know how to describe it.

"What is that?" I asked as I watched it crawl out like a Spider.

"Apart from having a great name..." Hobie said as Gwen continued his sentence.

"Go home machine."

"What'd I say, eh?" Hobie said as I chuckled.

"I voted against it." Gwen said as we watched it build a sort of web ball around the Rhino.

"It detects whichever dimension your dna is from and sends you there." The person controlling the machine said as she looked back at the three of us.

"It's super humane, and not creepy." Hobie said as the Rhino looked like he was in pain as he started to glitch a ton before disappearing.

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