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Y/N Pov

I jumped off the building as I dived down towards the Raft. It was a floating building in the water, making it harder for people to escape. I landed on the roof of the raft as the police started to circle me as well. Suddenly, the wall next to me burst open as many police officers went flying out. I shot webs at them as I pulled them back to the Raft safely. I looked through the hole as a group of inmates came out with the police and guards guns and weapons. There were a group of five of them as two of them with batons rushed at me as I knocked one out of one guys hand, kicking him in the face as I webbed the other guy, slamming him into the ground and webbing him to the ground. The three other guys started firing at me as I dodged to the side, webbing one guy and using him to hit the other two. 

"Venom! Where are you!"I yelled into the building as I walked in. As I walked farther and farther in, I saw multiple, almost hundreds of guards fighting inmates. I fought some of the inmates easily as I looked for Venom. I looked to the side as the Lizard burst through a wall, with a guard in his mouth. I quickly jumped up and got onto his back, as I connected two webs to his head, and slammed him into the ground until I jumped up and kicked him in the head. Guards rushed him as well as they started tazing and tranquilizing him. I jumped around another prisoner and kicked him. Suddenly, Green Goblin slammed someone into the wall as he was flying in the air. I super jumped at him as I uppercut him as he slammed into the roof. I then grabbed his head as I brought him down and slammed him into the ground. More guards started to do the same thing they did to the Lizard as I continued to walk. I kept walking until a guard went flying past me, a black tendril connected to him as it slammed him into the roof then ground. It retracted towards its source as I looked forward.


"I knew this would attract you. And now, we can finally have a good fight. In front of a crowd as well." Venom said as he stared me down. I quickly got into a fighting position as he roared at me before rushing at me. I dodged around his first strike as I kicked him, but he grabbed me with a tendril and slammed me into the ground. I quickly jumped back up as I super jumped at him and tried to uppercut him, but he dodged and grabbed me, shooting me across the room and into a wall. I landed on the ground as Venom rushed at me again as I dodged to the side, kicking him in the side of the head as I jumped and flipped in the air, kicking him again. I was going to slice his head but he dodged and punched me with a tendril. I flipped around and super jumped at him as I tried to slash at him. I missed almost all my slashes as he countered one of my strikes, hitting my arm to the side as he kicked me away. He then jumped up and was going to slam down on me as I dodged to the side. He barely missed as he glared at me. I quickly got up as we stared each other down. 

"You won't survive this. I'll feed on your flesh and use your bones to build a monument for you. Just to destroy it." Venom said as he slammed the ground and roared before sprinting at me. He didn't let me speak as he sent two tendrils at me as I jumped and dodged in between them but he tackled me into another wall as he grabbed me by the head and attempted to slam me into the ground but I managed to slice his arm, forcing him to let me go. He seemed to be getting more and more aggressive. He rushed at me again as he tried to punch me, but dodged around and under his attacks, as I countered him. But my punches did nothing. I kicked him in the face as I dodged under one of his punches as he got even angrier. 

"I will kill you!" He yelled as he kept trying to punch me. He even tried to slash me with his claws. But I dodged around and slashed his chest and stomach. Now I was gaining the upper hand. After a while of fighting, we had both taken a beating. I was actually winning against him. Even though he wasn't taking much damage, I was doing something. I dodged under his punch again as I super jumped and uppercut him. Once I landed, I kicked him in the chest as I shot a web at his head and slammed it into the ground. I stood over him as he stayed on the ground but then suddenly stood up and shot a tendril at me, slamming me into the roof. He then moved to my level using tendrils. I tried to slash his tendrils, but it didn't do anything. I can't escape his grip. Wait, how did I get Venom off me? Wasn't it... a bell? But it was more like the sound. That might be the only way I can get out of his grip. Maybe an alarm? Police siren? How is the alarm not on already? Or did someone turn it off? I looked around as I saw the fire alarm as I shot a web at it. The alarm started blaring as Venom finally let go as he started to spaz around. He fell to the ground, like he was having a seizure. His tendrils started shooting out as it started destroying the alarms. This was my chance. I jumped at him as I tried to pull off Venom. But it was too thick. I couldn't pull it off. His tendrils shot out at me but I dodged and continued to pull it. I eventually pulled off a small part of Venom as I was going to continue pulling more off until Venom stopped spazzing. He swung at me as I dodged backwards. The part of Venom I had started to try to reconnect to Venom, but I managed to wrap it in a web ball, which kept it secure. I put it on my waist as Venom rushed at me, the missing part of himself, already being healed over. He slashed at me as I dodged under again, kicking him again. 

"We'll meet again. Soon Spider-man." He said as he suddenly jumped up and used his tendrils to move around. I was going to chase, but the guards and police needed my help. The inmates had the upper hand over the guards now. I webbed up as many as I could as I fought them off the guards.


The prisoners had all been moved back to their cells as Venom couldn't be found. I had escaped before the police got in because they're still hunting me. After the fight, I zipped through the city, my injuries making it very hard, but I managed. I had that small part of Venom in that web ball as I could feel it thrashing around. I eventually made it to Dr. Connors lab. I wanted to try something. I entered the lab, and it was destroyed almost. What did Dr. Connors do? What is he doing? I entered the particle accelerator room as I put the part of Venom I had into a vial. I put it into the particle accelerator's holder. I went to the control panel as I fiddled around with the settings. Now it will essentially reverse the particles. Or create anti particles. I wanted to see if turning the particles, into anti particles and what it would do to Venom. I don't know why. But I feel like my Spider sense is telling me to. I started the system as I operated the particle accelerator. 


It finally finished as the vial came out. Instead of a black gooey substance, it had turned white. It had also become less violent and stopped thrashing as much. It was still moving, but not as aggressively. But, when I was observing it, it thrashed out, breaking the top of the vial as it quickly started to spread around me. I tried to pry it off but it was much more powerful than Venom. It was also faster. It somehow grew from that tiny vial to all around my body. It formed instead of a suit, into more like a suit of armor as red streaks appeared on it. It was more like instead of creating another suit like Venom, it was upgrading my old suit.

(This is the new suit, you can think of whatever you want just try to stay in my description

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(This is the new suit, you can think of whatever you want just try to stay in my description.)

I felt the same power of the symbiote surge through me, but I didn't feel any of the dark thoughts or anything in my head. Venom, spoke to me and tried to manipulate me, but this symbiote didn't. It gave me the power, but not the downsides. Venom is really fucked now.

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