Final Showdown

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Y/N Pov

I quickly went back to my house to sleep as the next day I skipped school. My parents didn't care and would say I was sick if I told them to, which I did. I slipped out of my window and onto the fire escape as I went up to the roof and changed, leaving my backpack on the railing of the fire escape. I super jumped up and started swinging toward Queens. I finally reached where the marked location seemed to be as it was another Osborn tower. Of course... I super jumped and started going up the wall as I reached the top I saw him standing there. Making something. 

"Osborn." I said as he turned toward me.

"Hello Y/N. Nice suit. How was your friend's funeral." He said as I grew angrier and angrier by every word he said.

"He didn't deserve anything that happened to him. And it's my fault. But I'll keep going. I'll kill you. Even if it's the last thing I do." I said as I immediately shot a web at his face, as it hit I pulled myself towards him and punched him as hard as I could before uppercutting him. 

"Your spider sense seems to have diminished." I said as he grunted.

"Yeah. Comes with all the other abilities I have." He said as he shot a web at me as I dodged, he jumped at me as he grabbed me and slammed me into the ground. He then tried to punch my head as his hand went through the ground as I moved my head to the side. I kicked him in the stomach as I rolled to the side. I then quickly stood up as he was groaning. I then sprinted at him as I punched him in the face as I tried to punch him again, he caught my hand as he punched me hard as I jumped back. He then rushed at me again as his mouth started to glow green as he then started spewing fire at me. I barely dodged but the fire still burned my arm. It hurt like hell and it was like a third degree burn, my new suit already ripped and burned. He then slammed down in front of me as I dodged back before uppercutting him as hard as I could, while I was in the air I spun and kicked him again as he stumbled to the side before lunging at me and grabbing me by the throat.

"You're done for Y/N. You can't win." He said. I struggled in his grip as I tried to kick and punch him but it didn't do anything. He then jumped up and slammed me into the ground, the building cracked and crumbled as we fell into a lower floor.

"Aaargh!" I yelled in pain as I punched him hard in the face. I then shot a web at a desk as I swung it into his face, finally knocking him off me as I stood up. I shot both my webs at his face as he caught my webs, I slingshotted myself at him as I kicked him in the face, sliding on the ground rushing at him again, punching him multiple times. I fell back onto my hand as I used my momentum to kick him hard as he stumbled back. I landed in a pose as I saw his mouth grow green again, shooting fire at me again as I dodged around and ran away. The desks and everything that his fire touched almost melted down as I ran around him, running off the wall as I jumped onto his back. I grabbed his horns as I wrapped webs around them, pulling as hard as I could as I made him shoot his fire breathe up into the sky until he stopped. I then started smashing his face in with my fist as he tried to get me off, slamming me into desks and the walls until he jumped up and slammed me into the ground, busting us through another two floors.

"Give it up Y/N. Everyone you love will die. There's no point in trying anymore. You can't save them." He said as I growled at him, getting ready to jump at him. I super jumped at him and punched him hard, jumping off the wall behind him to punch him again. I slid on the ground as he tried to swipe at me, I dodged back before jumping at him again, bouncing off his arm and kicking him in the face. He managed to grab my leg after I kicked him and slammed me into the ground before chucking me out of the window. I flew through the air until I regained my balance and connected two webs to different buildings, slingshotting myself at him again but he caught me by the neck and threw me into a table. He walked up to me and started pummeling me as I tried to block with my arms, but failed miserably. 

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