Chapter 03: It's All In The Details

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December 2013

Dean escorted you through the front door of the diner, his hand gently guiding you towards a booth at the back of the small establishment. His other hand held a cream coloured manila folder. He sat the folder on the table as you took your seats across from each other and began perusing the menu. A young waitress soon came over with a pot of coffee in one hand and a small notepad in the other.

"Coffee?" She gestured towards the upturned mugs sitting at the place settings you now occupied. Dean glanced over at her, and produced a very charming smile. And was that a wink? Okay... Dude's a major flirt. He nodded at the waitress and then looked over at you, questioning with his eyes.

"Thanks" you whispered softly. Your face gaining a sheepish smile. Caffeine sounded good.

The waitress filled your mugs and proceeded to take your breakfast orders. Dean had opted for waffles and a side of bacon, while you had decided on some toast and a small fruit salad. It had been a while since you'd had anything 'fresh' and for something so simple and basic, the fruit tasted amazing. But the toast was cold and needed Vegemite. And the coffee, well the coffee was disappointing. Then again, you were used to drinking lattes, made by a barista.

When you'd both finished eating and your plates had been cleared away, Dean handed you the manila folder he'd brought into the diner with him. On the side index, Jane Doe, 12/10/2013 was written.

The contents revealed themselves to be your case files from the hospital and police station. There were police reports, a witnesses' statement from the man you'd learned had found you on the highway. Doctors notes, photocopies of your drivers license front and back, your credit card details even made an appearance. There were photographs of your purse and it's contents and photographs of the markings that now covered your body.

You were thankful that the photos were zoomed in on the marks themselves and that there were no full images of your naked body, saving your modesty to some degree. You assumed Dean had more than likely already perused the contents of the file.

And these photos were clearly of you. You recognized your skin tone, the odd freckles in places that made you, you. Your hair was visible in some shots too, as was close ups of your hands and feet. The creases of your fingers and the shape of your fingernails, exactly the same as what adorned your hands now.

You looked over everything as Dean watched on silently.

It was indeed clear that the police officers had contacted the Australian consulate. They'd even gone as far as to contact your employer and the friends you'd told them you'd seen that night. Little notes here and there, the words, undetermined and false jumpng out at you.

"Underdressed?" You said aloud, looking down at the clothes you wore. You'd been out clubbing that night, you wouldn't say you were underdressed.

"For the weather... That's not your jacket right?" Deans voice carried over your thoughts. Right... it was summer back in Australia and this jacket you now wore had come from the lost property at the hospital. Lucky you wore jeans over a dress that night...

The detectives had also tried to access your phone by the looks of it, but according to the document labeled cell phone, it had been wiped clean. The report stated, no contacts, no photos and nothing beyond the factory settings. Shit...

You closed the case file and pushed it away from you as you felt the tears start to well in your eyes once again. How was all this even possible, you thought?

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now