Chapter 29: Happy Birthday Glowworm

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A/N: This is a long one :) I couldn't cut it anywhere that made sense...

October 2014

October was not a month you were looking forward to, at least not this year. Your time in the States was nearing closer and closer to the first anniversary of your abduction. And while you loved your new life, living in the bunker and hunting monsters with Sam and Dean, as your birthday drew nearer, you started to feel homesick more.

It wasn't that you necessarily wanted to return back home to Sydney. It was more so that you missed your friends and family, even though, you knew they didn't miss you. What you wouldn't give to just talk to them. A phone call, a text message, the old fashioned card in the mail that your mum did for you every year, even as an adult. It was the general contact you missed, nothing more.

If by some miracle you managed to reverse the angel spell and restore the memories of those you'd lost, you knew deep down, that you would fight the Winchesters tooth and nail, to let you stay with them. This piece of information you kept to yourself, knowing Sam and Dean would try to convince you otherwise. Wanting to push you away from their dangerous, monster hunting lives.

After the case in Missouri, you joined the brothers on a ghost case in Spencer, Iowa, much to your delight. The boys had decided they were okay with you helping with ghosts and some of the lower class of monsters. Meaning if they knew they were dealing with angels and demons, you were left behind at home.

The ghost turned out to be a married man who was seeking revenge on the group of teenagers whom had accidentally killed him in a car accident. It honestly sounded like the plot of the movie, 'I Know what you did Last Summer'. Except it was more modern, with the ghost using mobile devices and wifi to travel around the small town.

On the days that you were all home, your self defence training continued, at least in the mornings. Sam covered more topics, such as what to do if you found yourself in a hostage style situation. This included getting out of ropes and handcuffs in various scenarios, how to distract your captor and the code words they used to communicate secretively to each other. Dean had insisted that three new ones be made for you in regards to your abduction.

His first idea was for you to use more Aussie slang, but you had to point out the flaws in that in case you forgot and let something slip, causing them unnecessary panic. Sam agreed with your point. In the end, it was decided if you were dealing with angels, you would ask them something about your mum. For demons, you would mention your dad. And for any other monsters that might do the 'dick angels' dirty work, you let slide one piece of slang you would never use. "Flaming galah." Thanks Alf Stewart, all those years of watching Home and Away had paid off for you.

Your routine had also been shortened to allow you and the boys time in the afternoon for research. Mostly, looking into the Mark of Cain on Dean's arm and how to remove it. The cream coloured manila folder that held your case file, now sat on the small table, Crowley had once used as an ottoman, gathering dust.

In mid October, three days before your impending birthday, the three of you were sitting in the library one evening looking through more files from the archive room. The contents of room 7B were no longer off limits to you, on the proviso that if Sam or Dean brought someone home with them that needed to be held there, you would stay well away.

"Maybe we can use a system, like putting a sock on the door when you can't go in there." The older Winchester joked. It resulted in the usual eye roll from you and Sam.

"Or, you know, you could do this thing where you open the large hole in your face and just tell me... 'Sweetheart don't go in there'..." You manipulated your voice the lowest it could go, while moving your head from side to side, trying to pull off a more masculine sound. It did not work. And neither man found it funny.

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