Chapter 34: Tell Me Your Story

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November 2014

You had just finished folding and putting away what little clothes you possessed after freshly laundering them. When you returned to the library, you found Dean was not longer there. Odd. You had only been gone for twenty minutes or less. Perhaps he had gone out? But surely he would have told you.

Ever since the two of you had woken up, together that morning, he had barely left you alone.

You would think you would have been delighted to have felt him still next to you when you opened your eyes. And for a while, you were. It was pure bliss. His scent filling your nostrils as you breathed in the morning air. The hint of whiskey. The gunpowder which you had come to love. All added onto his natural musk.

His right arm, had still been cradling your head from where he had been scratching your scalp the night before. Until you shifted slightly that is, and his keen senses kicked in. You had managed to startle him somehow and it took him a brief moment to realise where he was. But that just brought on the best past of it all. The peak before the fall. There was something magical about the way his voice had mumbled a low "Morning sweetheart." into your ear.

From there on though, it all went downhill. He became a little too attentive to your liking. Watching your every move, as if he were waiting for you to start daydreaming the nightmares too. And you had to give yourself excuses, such as doing your laundry, to get him to give you a little bit of space.

And that's where you found yourself now. Returning from one of your 'Dean breaks' to find him no longer there. How stupid you'd been.

Before you had left the room, the two of you had been re-researching all the papers and books the bunker had on Cain together. Hoping that maybe you had missed something.

Sam was still away with Cass, collecting Metatron to bring him back to the bunker. And you had no idea when he would return. Dean hadn't informed you, not that you'd asked. And none of them had mentioned the location of the gate of Heaven, so you couldn't just look it up on Google maps.

With the older Winchester no longer present, you decided to get into your own research. Not on your abduction. No. Your manila folder still sat on the small side table nearby, gathering dust. What you were concentrating on now, was learning all you could about the Demon tablet and the Scribe of God, Metatron. In doing so, you hoped to get up to speed with all that was happening in Sam and Dean's lives.

When things started to become serious, you weren't going to sit back and wait in the bunker while the Winchesters came and went. You were going to insist that you help. And wherever they went, you were going to go too.

Another hour had passed when you finally heard Dean speaking to someone down the hall. Was he on the phone? Had he gone crazy? Or had Crowley shown up? It had been a while since you'd seen or heard from him.

"We don't know that I have to be in contact with it. All we know is that we need it." His voice trailed down the hall.

And then you heard it, Sam's voice replying. "No no, all we know is he says we need it. We don't even know what he wants us to do with it." He was back, which meant Metatron must be here too.

"A step at a time, alright. We play it safe, we learn whatever the spell is, how it works and we keep the Blade out of my hands." Dean had mentioned a blade. Surely he didn't mean the First blade? That damn thing was responsible for him getting antsy the first time. Turning him into the demon, the one that had attacked you.

Sam had said something else, but it wasn't clear enough to catch. Which could mean a number of things. He could be frustrated and had walked away, he could be whispering worried you might hear, or he could have turned his back. Either way, it was Dean you heard again. "I don't trust Metatron... What's his game if he is lying, okay? The Blade without me is useless. The Blade with me is trouble for him."

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now