Chapter 12: Little Koala

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April 2014

"Is this really necessary boys?" A voice you'd never heard before spoke in a soft but hoarse British accent.

It had been about twelve hours since Dean had told you he and Sam were going to help Crowley. And as the boys usually were gone for at least two days at a time on their hunts, you expected helping Crowley would take a similar amount of time, if not longer.

But you had distinctly heard the heavy metal door of the bunker open just now and the sound of two or more footsteps entering. And although the smell of gunpowder was a constant in the bunker, it was most definitely stronger with the opening of that door. Which lead you to believe it had to be the Winchester brothers, always smelling of the substance. Who else could be at the top of the metal landing besides them. And you stood up anxiously to find out.

Neither Sam nor Dean had ever told you much about Crowley. Besides the important fact that he was the King of Hell, and therefore a demon that Dean wanted to kill. He had also randomly helped them on and off again over the years, always in his self interests.

You knew that demons usually inhabited the bodies of humans too. So hearing the British accent that you had just heard would not be too odd, assuming that his 'meat suit' was indeed that of an Englishman.

Normally you didn't sit in the war room but for some reason after Sam and Dean had left late last night, you decided that a change of scenery would be good. In all honestly, it was more a case of hanging out with the brothers in the war room the day before as Dean cleaned his weapons and Sam researched the First Blade on his laptop. So you were in a perfect position to hear the door open as it just had.

The First blade was a supposed knife that both Dean and Crowley had interests in. Dean to tick off another member of his hit list, the demon Abbadon. And Crowley, because it was self serving for him to see her dead. And they had been working together, in a sense that Dean now bore the Mark of Cain on his right arm so he could wield it and Crowley had gone in search of it.

It was made clear that it was indeed Sam and Dean, with another as the three men gradually came into view, rushing down the curved metal staircase. Dean was in the front, the unknown man with the British accent in the middle, and Sam in the back.

Dean looked pissed as his eyes locked on yours. But he said nothing as he continued to drag the new man into the side door of the war room that led to the corridor on the opposite side to that of the mess room one.

"Who's this then?" Said the unfamiliar man as he walked passed you, following Dean.

As you took him in for the first time, you realised, his hands were tied in black handcuffs. They matched the black suit, tie and overcoat he wore. He was shorter than Sam and Dean, perhaps even you, and he was scruffy looking, with short wiry hair and a five o'clock shadow on his face.

"None of your business." Dean grouched and forcefully grabbed the man by the arms, pulling him into the hallway that led to the very back of the bunker.

"Hey" Sam approached you, his expression tired. "Do you remember the rooms I told you not to go in?" You nodded your head, remembering the doors Sam had pointed out to you as no go zones when you had first been given your tour of the bunker. "Okay... Uh, don't forget 7B, alright?.. We'll be keeping him in there." Pursing his lips in a smile.

As Sam left to leave you, presumably to chase after Dean and their captive, you just had to confirm if the man was indeed Crowley or not. "Sam?" You called out. "Who was that?"

"Crowley..." Sam hesitantly replied. And he was gone, headed towards the off limits room of 7B. So that was the infamous King of Hell. He looked like an ordinary man.

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