Chapter 07: The Bunker

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December 2013

Because Sam and Dean had been up, essentially most of the night before, the three of you stopped in a small town motel so that Dean could get some sleep. He had been doing most of the driving after all. You still had no idea where you were, but at least it appeared that they did.

The room, like the last few you'd been in with Dean, was another twin. But this time there was also a rolling cot bed that he had organised through the front desk on check in. He explained it was for him, but you had insisted that he should take the proper bed. Not just because he was driver, but because you were shorter than both of them and knew you'd be able to make it the most comfortable.

"It's an upgrade from what I had at the police station." You joked with them, but neither Dean nor Sam found it funny.

Sometime, mid morning the next day, Dean pulled Baby down a narrow dirt road that appeared to slant slightly upwards toward what looked like a dead end. You were surprised to look out the passenger side windows to see a concrete structure jutting out of the hillside. Crap. You were done for... Why had you been so trusting with these guys?

"Home sweet home." Dean sure sounded happy. You. Were. Going. To. Die...

Was it safer in the car? Could you lock the doors quick enough, before the brothers knew what was going on? Were you prepared to essentially run over your new 'friends' if the situation called for it. Could you even manage to drive the large black car? You'd never driven 'stick' before and the wheel was on the wrong side of the vehicle.

"You coming?" Dean's voice interrupted your thoughts. His face slowly beginning to show recognition as he processed why you were hesitating. You weren't expecting this. "What did you think we meant when we said bunker?" He asked through the windows.

His face wasn't intimidating. And he was relaxed, not tense like he had been at the Grantsburg house that day. He moved to open the car door for you and you decided it was safe to come out.

The sound of creaking metal hit your ears as you looked over to see Sam opening a large door at the bottom of a short stairwell that protruded out of the ground. Dean had moved to the back of the car now, opening the trunk to remove the three bags that had been stored above the hidden compartment that contained his arsenal.

Dean picked up all three in his arms and waited for you to join him on your decent into their 'bunker' for the very first time. You offered to grab one of the bags from him but he insisted he had it. He might have been rough around the edges, but he was more gentlemanly than any of the guys you knew of your generation.

Your eyes adjusted to the change of light from outside to inside and you stopped in awe at what you saw. You were standing on a long landing that looked down into two adjoining rooms filled with tables and chairs. The room directly below you was odd, to say the least. Old and dusty machines lined the walls, lights flickering in multiple colours from their knobs and buttons. You saw old fashioned headsets, cables and microphones protruding from the dust. Was that a mini fridge in the corner?... Looking very out of place compared to the rest of the room.

The room that was further away from you, looked warmer, due to the stained wood finish of the tables and floor. It resembled a library, multiple book shelves framing the room and jutting out from its walls. You couldn't see it yet, but joining onto the room filled with books was another smaller room, a very large telescope in the centre, and some of the only windows the bunker contained.

You carefully stepped down the metal stairs, Sam and Dean both waiting for you at the bottom. They studied you carefully as you took in their home for the first time. You later found out they had barely had any visitors since they had moved in. And you were the second female, whom they knew at least, who had been there.

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