Chapter 19: The Demon And The Glowworm

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August 2014

The last time you had seen Dean Winchester, he was lying dead on his bed in the room down the hall from yours. His face cut and bruised. His clothes covered in blood. He had gone up against Metatron and lost. Only to be carried home by Sam, hours later.

But that had all transpired six weeks ago.

For the very night Sam had brought Dean's lifeless body home from the fight, he had vanished hours later, thanks to Crowley. The same demon who had helped Dean escape room 7B, after Sam and Cass had locked him away for attacking Gadreel in the war room, the day before.

Only a simple hand written note, was left as a clue, that Dean was very much alive.

- Sammy, Let me go -

But Sam refused to give up on Dean, and so did you. And for six weeks, you and Sam searched and scoured for any traces of the older Winchester. Sam had also left the bunker countless times on leads, hoping it was the one that would bring his brother home. And finally, on the 2nd of August, Sam returned with Dean, chained and angry.

The Dean you knew, was a stark contrast to the man you saw before you now. In some ways he mirrored the way you must have looked the first day the two of you met those nine months ago. The day he had introduced himself to you as Special Agent Smith. The day he had helped you escape the Kansas police station.

He now sat before you in a wooden chair in the middle of the bunkers dungeon. His arms were bound by rope and black handcuffs, against the arms of the chair. And below his feet, were the thick black markings of a devils trap, a large circle with symbols and a star shape in its centre.

His clothes had changed since the last time you'd seen him, but they were just as bloody and dirt ridden as they were that night, six weeks ago when he lay dead on his bed.

Under the pulled back sleeve of his flannel shirt, you could just see the edges of the Mark of Cain. And his eyes, his eyes were black as coal. Dean Winchester was no longer human, he had become a demon, thanks to Crowley, the Mark of Cain and the dammed First Blade he'd killed Abaddon with and attempted to do the same to Metatron with.

"Hi sweetheart." Dean crooned as you entered the room. "Sammy put you on babysitting duty?... Or doesn't he know you're here." He grinned.

"He doesn't know. " You replied, trying to appear calm and collected while your heart tried to jump out of your chest.

"Naughty girl... But what Sammy don't know, won't hurt him." Dean winked. "You still have that pocket knife I gave you? Be a doll and scratch the circle on the ground there and we can have some fun."

You shook your head. "No. Sam's going to fix you. Bring you back to normal and..."

"I don't want to be fixed sweetheart." Dean snarled. "Help me get out of here and I'll owe you one... Sammy's dead to me. But you don't have to be. We could have a great time, you and I... Me and that sweet little ass of yours."

"Hey!" Sam's voice interrupted as he entered the room. "You shouldn't be in here. It's not safe."

"No Sammy. You're not safe. When I get out of here I'm..." But Dean couldn't finish his sentence as Sam splashed water on him from a small silver flask.

Dean growled in pain. The surface of his skin that was now wet, smoked and hissed. You'd seen a flask like that before. As Agent Smith, Dean had told you it was hand sanitiser, before he touched your hands for the first time. But you distinctly remembered, he had seem relieved when he touched you after doing so. He had clearly been expecting the same reaction.

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