Chapter 23: Out Of The Bunker, Into Conneticut

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September 2014

You were sitting at the war room table practising loading and unloading the gun Dean had given you a few weeks ago when you heard the door to the bunker open.

"How about Sastiel... Or Samstiel?" You heard Sam query Dean as they walked down the metal stairs of the bunker.

"Okay. You know what. Just drop it... How about, you just go do that thing where you just shut the hell up... forever." Dean replied gruffly back. What are those two arguing about now you wondered to yourself as you stood up to greet them. They were returning from a case in Flint, Michigan.

"Hey!" Sam walked over to you as he stepped off of the stairs and gave you one of his awkward towering over you hugs.

"Hey yourself." You greeted him.

Dean dumped his army green duffle on the table before following suit and came over to hug you as well. "Hey sweetheart. Did you miss us?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead as he had started doing more recently. It was a welcome turn of affection, but damn, did it make you more confused about your feelings for him

"What're you two fighting about now?" You asked as you went to retrieve a beer for each of you from the mini fridge in the corner of the room. You were hoping to press them about their latest adventure.

"That case we just did in Flint." Sweet, Sam was going to give up the goods. "A bunch of high school girls wrote a play based on the Supernatural books and..."

"Don't bring it up again Sammy." Dean interrupted his brother and then attempted to change the subject. "How fast can you load and unload now?" Dean pointed to the gun on the table as he sat down.

"I'll show you after you tell me more about the fan fiction play." You teased.

"You, you know what fan fiction is?" Dean choked on his beer

"Why wouldn't I?... I've read a bit, here and there... Nothing from the books about you guys though. That would be way too fucking weird." You quickly added as you sat down too. You really hadn't, but after the awkward time Dean had caught you reading the first book, you didn't want either of them to assume you'd read stuff like that about them.

"So you know what slash is right?" Sam sat down to join the two of you at the table, a smirk crossing his features.

"Drop it Sammy." Dean growled.

"Are we talking slash between you two or... Wait Samstiel? Sam and Castiel..." As you asked, Sam shook his head at you grinning. "No! No fucking way!!... Are we talking slash fiction of him and Cass?" You pointed at Dean but stopped as he glared at you and you raised your hands in defence. "Okay. Wanna see my moves then?" And you picked up your small hand gun in front of you to show the boys how far you'd come.

"You're getting faster." Dean praised you, happy to be talking about something other than Supernatural fan fiction. "What about actually firing it? Have you been practising that too?"

Ever since Dean had first shown you how to shoot the weapon at the bunkers firing range, you'd been too timid to practice without him. But over the last couple of days, while they'd been away, you'd finally felt brave enough to practice shooting on your own.

"Actually, I did..." You answered as you set down your beer. "If we have time tomorrow, I could show you?"

Sam took that moment to jump in over the top of your conversation. "Actually... We're  leaving again tomorrow."

"Oh..." You looked down, trying to hide the fact that news made you upset. Guess they're leaving me alone again, you thought.

But Dean opened his mouth in a wide grin. "Wanna come with?" He asked you.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now