Chapter 32: First Nightmare

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November 2014

That night, you didn't get much sleep. Sam and Dean had gone on ahead to the bunker. While you had decided to stay behind in Pontiac with Claire and Cass. A decision you struggled yourself with, as you were torn between checking in on Dean and Claire.

Dean in particular, was not willing to leave for Kansas without you. Sam and Cass had convinced him in the end though, with the angel promising that you were in safe hands with him. He also promised he would drive you back to the bunker the next day.

You honestly weren't entirely sure what you could do for Claire, but you knew that it was probably best she didn't stay with only Cass after her ordeal. If you had no idea how to help the teen, what chance did he have. Dean at least had Sam.

Cass kindly checked the two of you into a hotel nearby, a twin room, the same as you usually shared with the Winchesters. Upon entering however, he had informed you angels didn't sleep and so you and Claire had free range over the beds.

Being on the road with the angel was much easier than it was with the Winchesters. While he was somewhat awkward and uptight, he made up for it by being very accomodating. More than likely his generosity was aimed at making Claire feel more comfortable, but you couldn't complain if you benefited from it.

"I brought you both sustenance. Claire is too young for beer, so I didn't think that was appropriate. But I got ice cream, cookies and potato chips. The female characters always seem to eat these items when they are sad in the movies." Cass had left the hotel room twenty minutes earlier to run an errand. You had not expected him to come back with snacks. "I hope these are okay?"

You looked at him quizzically, a small smile spreading across your lips as you wondered what movies he'd been watching. "I'm not sure she's up to eating just yet... But it's very thoughtful of you Cass. Thanks..."

He nodded back at you choosing to sit on the end of the free bed. You currently sat on the other one, closest to the bathroom. He looked over to the closed door. "How is she?"

Claire was currently in the shower when he had returned. You had convinced her that a hot shower always did you wonders, no matter what the occasion. And she had agreed, leaving you alone with the angel when he returned.

"I'm not really sure... I don't know her well enough to make any judgement." You paused to think. When you had pulled Claire out of the convenience store earlier that evening, she'd had a few choice words. "She's been quiet, for now, but she doesn't seem like the type to hold her tongue for very long..."

Cass seemed to agree with you. "No... She's not. She spoke her opinion quite well the other day... Seeing what she saw, mustn't have been easy though. She has seen and been through things no one her age should have... Because of me..."

For crying out loud. You weren't here to comfort the angel too. "I don't know much about the situation, besides what Sam and Dean have told me. But, you had a fairly good reason why I guess. A higher purpose or something like that?... You pulled Dean from hell, I guess, Jimmy... Claire's dad, he helped you do that... He was given a choice to help you right? You didn't force him or trick him into doing anything."

Your words were getting dangerously close to bringing you into a discussion about your own predicament. Claire's dad Jimmy, had at least been asked by Castiel to be his vessel. At least that's what you knew of it. You on the other hand, hadn't even met the angel that had decided it would be fun to bring you here. Well, you possibly had, you just didn't remember them. And they certainly hadn't given you a choice in the matter.

"Well... When you say it like that. I suppose it's true... I followed orders and Jimmy was the perfect vessel. But I never really questioned them until now... I have no regrets, helping Dean, and Sam, but another angel made me realise, that I had a responsibility to check in on Claire..."

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now