Chapter 28: Hex Bags And Girly Girls Don't Mix

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September 2014

"That, was awesome sweetheart!" Dean exclaimed as the two of you walked down the street to meet Sam where you had arranged earlier. "Did you come up with that excuse on the spot?"

"Yup... I guess I've found my true calling." You replied proudly.

Sam was waiting for you at a coffee shop a few blocks over from the restaurant. As you stepped into the building, you looked around the groups of faces sitting and talking at their tables, trying to spot Sam.

Dean found him first though, and gently grabbed your arm to pull you over to a tall, narrow table, where two stools were waiting opposite the younger Winchester. As you looked over at him, walking closer, you saw him lowering his arm, having signalled to Dean when he himself had seen the two of you. He was currently on the phone, but as you stepped up onto the tall stool to sit down, he was ending the conversation.

"No, that is strange. All right, I hear you... Thanks..." And Sam finished before turning to you and Dean. "Hey." He greeted.

"Hey." The two of you spoke in return, almost in unison.

"So our pimp was a demon. Sulphur all over him. And I found this." Sam placed a small black velvet pouch with red embroidery on the front, onto the table. "It was in his belongings..."

"What is that?" You reached for the object but Dean swatted your hand away before you could touch it.

Turning to you, Dean explained. "That's a hex bag. It's best not to touch it. We're definitely dealing with a witch."

"A witch that's killing demons." Sam chimed in. "And as for the girl, well her neck was broken alright. But I think that might've been done by our demon and not the witch.

"So we have a demon pimp and a witch that killed him." Dean added. "And it looks like our witch has picked up a couple of friends. Two," He cleared his throat at that and side eyed Sam in silent communication. "girls. The type that would work at the brothel..."

"Really? Raul's girls? What does she want with them?" Sam asked curiously.

Dean shook his head. "We don't know. Who was that just now when we got here?"

"I've been calling other hunters, see if they've heard anything... That was Darrell. He's been working a case, series of grisly hotel murders... There was one at the Kensington and another at the Waldorf in Cleveland... He's come across bodies, stabbed and impaled on the ceiling."

You scoffed quietly at that information, your lips pursed together as the rest of your face showed a look of disgust. Impaled on the roof. Fucking charming, you thought. Dean looked over at you and patted you on the leg, grinning at your uneasiness of Sam's words.

"Sounds a little more homicidal maniac than witchy." Dean continued in thought.

Sam was smirking at you. "That's what Darrell thought too, until the autopsy came back. The actual cause of death was..."

"Boiled brains?" You asked, somewhat meekly. And Sam nodded a "yep" in response. "Just as our waiter..." You looked over at Dean on that.

"Well, I'll give this to the witch... She's got deep pockets. The Kensington, the Waldorf, this restaurant... That can't be cheap... So what's the next move?" Dean wondered aloud, neither addressing you or Sam as he looked up in thought.

"Those hotels are all fancy right? Like, I've actually heard of them... Are there any like that around this area?" You asked aloud.

Sam looked over at you impressed. "Look at you glowworm. You're turning into Jessica Fletcher right before our eyes."

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now