Chapter 06: It's Pronounced AccaDacca

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December 2013

Later that afternoon, still in Grantsburg, you and Dean were both sitting at the small table in the hotel room you were currently using as home, finishing off a meal of Chinese. Dean had his laptop open and had been researching Garth's in-laws, still entertaining you with the idea he believed you had both broken bread with a pack of werewolves. You had your now roughed up case file open in front of you, continuing on with your own personal problem. How the fuck had you ended up in the US and why was there no trace of your existence?

You had created yourself a new gmail account because like everything else on your phone, your email accounts had been wiped. And you were currently sifting through your recent correspondence with the organisations you'd tried contacting back in Australia. The thought crossed your mind to order an kit as you were well aware your parents had once done so and were frequent on the site. But with no way of being able to have one of their kits delivered to you, what address would you even use, and the consideration that it would take weeks, you pushed that thought to the back of your mind.

There was a knock outside the hotel room door and Dean swiftly but quietly sprung  into action, his movements almost ninja like as he made his way to stand behind the door. How the hell did he do that? He looked over to you and raised his index finger to his lips, quietly signalling you to stay quiet as you blankly stared at him. He pulled the gun out from behind his back from the place he usually kept it, pointed it blank against the wood and opened the door slightly ajar. The movement made you nervous.

You watched as Dean's facial expression turned from alert to annoyance as he pulled the chain out of its position and opened the door to reveal his brother Sam.

Sam walked into the room, and your eyes met briefly but he quickly turned his attention back to his brother. "Okay Dean." Sam began. "So they gave you lunch. Pie." He sighed on that word. "Why are you still here?"

Dean took a moment to respond and when he finally spoke his tone was slightly higher than normal, it was odd. "Uh, yeah, you're right. Garth's good. So if you wanna hit the road, it's square by me."

"Look, I'm just saying. This isn't the first time we've come across a friendly monster. Or a, a family of friendly monsters." Sam seemed more relaxed than you'd previously seen him, almost at ease. Maybe the tension between them was fading.

You busied yourself back with what you'd been doing. They were talking about monsters again and you weren't interested. All this werewolf talk was making it really hard to keep yourself polite and so you decided it best to tune their conversation out as best you could.

A while later, you felt a tall shadow standing over you and you looked up to see Sam looking over your shoulder at your case file open on the table. Yours eyes met his and he smiled at you for the first time. "Hi... Uh, I'm Sam. We didn't, officially meet, at the hospital back there." With a short question, confirming your name and a nod from you in return, he then asked. "Do you ah, mind if I take a look at your file there?" His voice was soft.

You glanced over at Dean and he silently confirmed that you should give his brother the file. "Um. Ah, sh, sure." Your voice croaked, and you collected the documents back into their cream manila folder and handed the pile to Sam.

"Thanks" he nodded as he moved over to sit on the edge of Dean's nominated bed. Sam spread the papers over the bed as he began to read the reports and view the photographs of your body that were contained in the files.

Dean returned to his chair opposite you and pulled a fresh beer out of the six pack that sat on the table. He motioned it to you, "You want another?" It was either make small talk or sip on a beer, so you nodded, mouthed your thanks, and Dean proceeded to hand you one as well.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now