Chapter 22: The Wizard And Her Wand

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August 2014

It took a little over a week for the Enochian symbols to heal again, turning back into the pencil thin scars you were more accustomed to.

Cass had advised Sam and Dean to both take a break from hunting while they had the chance. According to the trench coat wearing angel, Heaven and Hell were currently peaceful, thanks to Abaddon's death and Metatron being locked away after his fight with Dean. It allowed both brothers some time for much needed rest. And you were happy because it meant you got to spend quality time with them.

You hadn't bothered with researching your abduction since Dean's disappearance in mid June. Focusing instead on helping Sam find the older Winchester, as best as you could from the confines of the bunker. Now that Dean had returned and was no longer feeling the effects from the Mark of Cain, for now, the three of you mostly hung out as you recovered together.

Some days, you watched horrible movies in Sam's room, fighting over what you each considered to be a good movie snack. You all agreed that popcorn was a must, but Dean insisted on having liquorice, much to Sam's distaste. And while you yourself had a sweet tooth and loved lollies, they teased you on that term, you argued with Dean that Redvines couldn't be classed as liquorice. Even the raspberry flavoured kind. And you insisted that the version Darrell Lee made back home in Australia, was far superior.

You also happily watched them clean their weapons and restock their arsenal, finding it fascinating to a degree, that they had so many different kinds of bullets. Ones with devils traps engraved on them, the rounds filled with rock salt for ghosts you had seen Sam make once, silver ones used on werewolves, even ones for witches, but you were surprised there was nothing for angels. You didn't let Dean in on these thoughts however, less he bring up your impending gun training.

One day midweek, you also sat in the garage with Dean as he tinkered with baby. And he took the opportunity to show you a thing or two about what was under the hood. You had to feign your interest for his benefit and he probably knew what you were doing in all honesty, but it was nice to be close to him, while you were fully clothed.

You found it difficult to hold back on flirting with him. Ever since he had first called you sweetheart, and more recently after you had felt his arousal against your leg while he was a demon. It had brought up feelings you didn't want to face or admit. And when he had attended to and dressed the wounds on your back, being unclothed from the waist up and under his touch, you had felt something deep in your gut.

It was just lust you had decided, and you mentally brushed it off. Putting it down to not having slept with anyone in the time you had lived in the States. Back in Australia at the time of your abduction, you hadn't been seeing anybody, but that didn't mean you didn't have the occasional fun when a guy you found interesting chased after your attention. Not that you had slept around, either, you had always been safe, smart about things. If you met a guy on a night out, he had to take you out on a date first before you agreed to take him home with you.

Thinking these type of things about and around Dean was very dangerous territory, and it didn't help when he seemed to flirt with you. But you reminded yourself that that was who he was. It was part of his personality and you knew you had to squash any feelings for him. He was your closest friend in this new life, and you couldn't risk loosing him by becoming awkward around him.

It was the second Saturday after Dean's hammer rampage, that he had insisted on checking your wounds again. And you were relieved that he only wished to check the ones on your arms and not the ones he had previously taken care of on your back. You had already removed the bandages a few days before and you knew yourself you were fully healed. But you humoured him anyways and you were happy to hear that he felt you were ready to start your self defence lessons.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now