Chapter 11: Always Feels Like Tuesday

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March 2014

"I'm sorry. You actually have the King of Hell on speed dial?... Does he... Does he sext you too?" You laughed at your own joke as Dean put his phone down after an unsuccessful call to Crowley.

You had been living with the Winchester brothers for three whole months now. And as housemates generally do, you had become rather close, living in such confined quarters together. It was also heightened by the fact that they were the only two people you had the opportunity to speak to. Having lost all contact with your friends and family back home in Australia, thanks to the unknown motives of some dick angel. And because the two brothers refused to allow you to leave the bunker you now called home, without them that was.

You were practically a prisoner in your own home, or really their home. Not that you minded too much. Life with them was certainly interesting.

Sam and Dean were monster hunters and thanks to knowing them, you had encountered a ghost and a pack of werewolves, not that you knew about the later at the time. Or more so you refused to believe that they were anything other than human as you ate with them.

Dean was ignoring you. "Where the hell is he? It's not like he has a social life!"

"You're actually worried?" Sam piped up.

"The guys got one job. Find the First blade and bring it back. How hard is that?" Dean looked like he was about to hit something.

"I thought Cain had said he'd thrown it in the deepest part of the ocean?..." You had recalled what Sam and Dean had told you about Cain and the mark he had left on Dean's right arm. "Isn't that, what, the Mariana Trench? How would anyone even get down that deep? I don't know the dude, but if I was in that part of the Pacific Ocean, I'd be living it up in Bali or Okinawa..."

Dean just stared at you in disbelief. "You googled that didn't you?"

"Maybe..." Dean knew very well that you had. It had become kind of a pastime of yours ever since you started living with them. When they went out on their 'hunts' to 'gank' monsters, you would follow along on their travels around the United States, through Google maps on your phone. Trying to understand their location and better understand the country you currently resided in.

And when Sam and Dean had first told you about Cain, Crowley, Abaddon, Gadreel, Metatron, basically a list of all the demons and angels Dean planned to kill, you had taken interest in finding out more. And that included looking up the Mariana Trench.

This was all in between trying to work out your own predicament. The scars that now remained on your skin, the presumed angel who put them there and why.

The three of you currently sat in the Bunkers war room, at least that's what the boys called it. Dean, trying to call Crowley, again, and you and Sam were setting up your new laptop. One that he had organised for you, the day you had gotten your very own anti-possession tattoo, not that you had known it at the time.

He had picked it up from the store the day before yesterday, and surprised you with it that evening. "To help you with your research." He had said. "Now you don't need to use your phone all the time."

Sam handed you the laptop in present time. "You're all good to go."

You took the laptop carefully from Sam's hands. "Thanks Sam."

"Just lay off of the anime on yours. He doesn't like it when I watch anime on mine." Dean had given up on calling Crowley for now.

Sam's face turned sour with that offhand comment. "Dean you watch cartoon porn, there's a big difference."

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now