Chapter 30: Teenagers Aren't Monsters

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November 2014

"So you still haven't told me why I'm here too." You questioned from the back seat of Baby. You sat in the middle, so you could talk to both brothers easily. "I thought you didn't want me involved with the angel stuff?"

"We don't know ourselves. Cass just said it was an emergency and asked me to bring you..." Dean replied, turning his head back around to you with a hint of frustration in his voice.

Sam looked over his shoulder as well from his position in the car and added. "Maybe he's found something on your abduction?..."

"Yeah, but that doesn't explain why it's an emergency does it..." Dean cut in over his younger brother. "Ten hour drive, no idea why. He could've at least told me on the phone."

The three of you had been driving all night, leaving shortly after eight, when Dean had received a call from the trench coat wearing angel. All you knew was that you had crossed over the state of Missouri and were now in Pontiac, Illinois. You were following the signs carefully. That and Google maps. Cass had organised to meet you at a small family owned restaurant there called Sharkey's.

As Dean pulled the Impala into the car park, Cass was standing there in the light drizzle of rain. Waiting for you and looking frazzled, on top of being wet. He greeted all three of you as you stepped out of the car. You and Sam exchanged pleasantries back, while Dean jumped straight in with the interrogation. Recently, he'd been in a bit of a bad mood. But neither you or Sam, at least you think the younger Winchester was included, knew why.

Cass explained that he had recently got in contact with Claire Novak, the daughter of the man, Jimmy, who was his vessel. Cass had been residing in his body for at least seven years now by your calculation, and you were surprised the man had allowed him to do so for so long. Claire had wound up in a bit of trouble and Cass had found her in a children's refuge centre. It turned out, while she had been with the angel the night before, she had run off and he was now worried.

"This is why you called us? This, is your emergency?" Dean had raised his voice at Cass. The situation was clearly not what Dean, or Sam, or you for that matter, had been expecting.

Cass seemed astonished at Dean's outburst and replied "Yes!" with an expression of 'isn't this obvious' along with it.

"No, Cass..." Dean shook his head slowly back and forth. "An emergency is a dead body, okay? Or, or a wigged-out angel, or the Apocalypse, take three. Some chick bolting on you is not an emergency. That's... That's every Friday night for Sam..."

"Dude..." Sam eyed his brother, slightly annoyed by his jab.

But Dean continued. "And why'd you want us to bring the Australian in on this?" You were taken aback by his use of your nationally and not your name.

"This isn't just 'some chick'. I'm responsible for her..." Cass growled, his voice very low, compared to what you had heard before.

Dean wasn't hearing it, still unimpressed at the lack of emergency. "Since when? You met her once, how many years ago?... She rolled you, and then she ran, okay? It's pretty clear that she doesn't want to play house..."

Fed up with the way the conversation was going, you butted in, trying to get the men to rationalise the situation. As a female yourself, remembering back to when you were younger. Any man trying to tell you what to do, with the exception of your dad and one or two uncles, would have easily pissed you off. And you would've probably run away from Cass too. Had he butted into your life in the way he seemed to have done to Claire.

"Cass... Her parents are responsible for her, not you... And people rarely listen to their parents, let alone someone who's 'dressed' as one." You looked at Sam and Dean. "This girls a teen right? She's not going to want anything to do with these two either, even if you do happen to find her... Dean's right, you should leave her alone."

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now