Chapter 13: Crowley's Words

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April 2014

After your discussion with Crowley, you now knew that the Enochian cuts on your skin had a purpose. You also somewhat understood why or at least how your family and friends didn't remember you. But the biggest mystery was still why. Why had you been brought here in the first place?

Having nothing more useful to say to you, Dean and Sam had taken Crowley back to room 7B. And that left you alone again to your own devices. Your brain was swimming with information and you truely doubted that you would be able to sleep, but you made your way back to your room. Leaving the door half open in case Dean stopped by again like he had done two nights before.

You sat down on the floor next to your bed, your arms folded over your knees and your head resting on them, unsure of what to do now. Maybe you should do what Dean always did, drink. But you didn't feel like drinking alone. You thought about watching something, to take your mind off of your reality. But your body wouldn't budge so you could fetch a device.

Was this feeling overwhelm? Or was it relief?

You had been cut up and pulled to this country with no choice in the matter. But as a consolation prize, you knew your family and friends were protected from this world you'd found yourself in.

Movement from your partially open door caught your attention and you looked up to see Dean's hand in a fist, about to knock on the doorframe.

"You okay?" Dean walked over and sat down next to you. One leg bent at the knee upright like yours, the other straight out in front of him.

You lifted your head up to look at him and you saw concern in his green eyes. "Honestly... I don't know what to think... Or, or feel... I have some answers, but it's even more confusing now."

And then, before you knew it, all your doubts and thoughts over the last five months just spilt from your mouth in rapid succession. "It doesn't make any sense Dean... I'm nobody special... Why did some cunt choose me out of all the other people in the world... I'm not even from this country, yet they had to go get me from Australia to bring me here... Surely they could've found someone more interesting that could do whatever it is I'm supposed to be here for. Someone close by... A celebrity, a politician... I'm not even a hunter like you or Sam..."

"I had my Apple pie life right? Not the most exciting, but it was mine. Am I supposed to feel better that my friends and family are protected or something? Because I would've rather stayed in Australia to be with them over this..." You stopped yourself at that, and tried to back track. "Don't, don't get me wrong... You and, and Sam... Well, you're my friends now too, and I'm glad I met you, but..."

"Hey." Dean wrapped his arm around your shoulder and cut you off. "I'm not insulted... I get it... But remember, I told you, me and Sam chose free will when the angels wanted us to be vessels to Michael and Lucifer. And you have that too. Screw whatever this cunt," he repeated the word you'd used with a small laugh, "wants you to do."

As you hesitated to say anything more, you felt Dean's chest shake slightly. "Did I tell you Snooki was a crossroads demon?.. It probably won't make you feel any better but demons choose celebrities, not angels... Angels choose good people. Which makes you special, even if you don't want to be..."

You lowered your head and wiped the tears you hadn't realised had fallen. "Thanks Dean..." You whispered.

"You're welcome sweetheart." And as he had done two nights before, you felt him kiss you on the top of the head.

Together the two of you sat in silence for a few minutes. You trying to sort through your thoughts and Dean attempting to comfort you. 'You're welcome, sweetheart.' He had never called you that before, and somehow, it made you feel better, grounded.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now