Chapter 16: We're Both Fine

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April 2014

You had been at it for about thirty minutes. Making lasagne wasn't new to you, but you weren't exactly a chef either. And it had been a long time since you had successfully made one.

After leaving the library, you'd realised you needed your laptop in order to look at a recipe online, to follow instructions mostly. And you returned to the library to fetch it. Dean, seeming not to notice as you did so.

You also needed to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit because you had zero clue what the equivalent of two hundred degrees was on the bunkers oven. Yes, you could have used your phone, but that was occupied by the music you were now playing into your earphones as you worked. It all made total sense to you.

You had chosen a clubbing mix. Music you had refused to listen to since the night you had been abducted. But being at the bar last night, having a tequila shot with Dean, reminded you of the fun times you used to have when you went out for the night. You chuckled to yourself at the thought of what Dean's reaction might be like if he were exposed to the electronic melodies of Pitbull and J.Lo tracks.

The meat sauce was almost done, simmering on the stove top as you added the final ingredient, a sliver of butter to smooth out the flavour. You grabbed a teaspoon from the drawer behind you and dipped it in to taste test. Just needed a little more salt, and you moved to grab the condiment from the mess room pantry.

Satisfied that it was as good as you were going to get it, you turned off the heat and moved the large stock pot off to the side so as to avoid burning the bottom. Next was the white sauce and you set about finding another pot, large enough to make the amount needed for the two lasagnes you were about to prepare. The perfect sized pot was further back into the shelf and you had to kneel down and then jostle the surrounding items to reach it. But as you pulled out the pot, you knocked over a medium sized saucepan, causing a loud clang on the concrete floor.

It must've been loud enough for Dean to have heard because the next minute you knew, the bow legged hunter was standing over you, his face slightly panicked. As he began to register what had actually happened, his features softened and he shook his head laughing at you.

With your headphones still in your ears though, you hadn't heard him and had to pull one bud out as you looked up at him. "Sorry." Your top teeth chewed on your lower lip as you spoke sheepishly.

"You trying to give me a heart attack sweetheart?" Dean said as he held out his hand to help pick yourself off of the floor.

Rather than giving him your hand though, you gave him the pot instead and he placed it on the counter before going back to assist you as you stood.

"I'm good." You insisted as you brushed the dust off of your jeans.

But Dean was no longer paying attention, crisis' everted after all, and had reached for the teaspoon you still had on the counter after taste testing the meat sauce. Like you had before him, he dipped the silver plated utensil into the mixture, scooping out a portion much bigger than the one you had sampled and shoved it in his mouth.

"Hey." You playfully slapped his shoulder, enticing a wide closed mouth grin. "No tasties."

Dean ignored you and went back in for another teaspoonful, leading to you slapping him harder and reaching around to try and grab the spoon out of his hand before he could slip it into his mouth. Thus causing a loud chuckle from the man, as he skilfully dodged your attempts, again and again.

Certain you'd given up on your offence, Dean booped you on the nose with the teaspoon. "That's really good."

Little did Dean know, you had blended some raw mushrooms, carrot and eggplant in the bunker's old metal blender before adding the extra ingredients to the sauce. Just as your mum had done for you so that she could sneakily feed you more vegetables when you were a kid. You were slightly worried he'd notice that the sauce wasn't as rich and tomatoey as it could be, but he obviously hadn't. And you made a mental note to do something similar the next time you made something like this. Sam would appreciate the vegetables, Dean would definitely not.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now