Chapter 21: Why My Foot?

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August 2014

It took a while for you to get to sleep, but when you woke up eventually, sometime after midday, you felt a little bit better. That was until you tried to move. Your body was stiff and sore and not just from the cuts. And you couldn't decide if it was because of all the running around you'd done late into the night, Dean shoving you against the wall, or the result of the protection spell working its magic.

Whatever it was, you knew you had to brush it off. You were thirsty and you also really had to pee, which meant leaving your room to fix both issues. Standing up, you stretched, hoping that doing so would alleviate the tension in your muscles, but it just made you wince as the open wounds pulled. Fuck... Better not do that again.

Bathroom first you decided. And you headed out of your room and into the hall, walking as fast as your legs would allow, hoping you wouldn't run into anyone on the way.

As you opened the door to the bathroom you groaned as you saw the mess you still had to clean up. Your soiled clothes needed washing, assuming you could get the blood stains out. The bin needed emptying of all the bandage wrappers, and looking over to the bath tub, you noticed a slight bit of pink discolouration from where your body had rested on the porcelain enamel.

That could all be dealt with later. You needed water, more than likely followed by coffee. So you continued on your list of basic human needs and headed for the mess room.

Sam was sitting at the table when you arrived and he looked up from his cereal bowl to greet you. "Morning... Are you feeling any better?" He asked. There was no sign of Dean. Everyone must've slept in.

"Yeah..." You whispered, caring not to elaborate any further than that. You moved over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass off the shelf, filling it with water from the tap and sipping it slowly.

"Hey..." Sam had turned around to face you. "Can I, talk to you?"

Looking over at him, you nodded, choosing to walk over to the table and sitting opposite him. "What's up?" You had an idea what was up and you tried to sound casual, despite your apprehension of the topic you knew was coming. You still didn't want to talk about your open wounds or your attempt to hide them.

"How are you holding up?" He began.

You sighed. "I'm fine..." Sam looked at you, disbelief written all over his face. "Okay... I'm a little sore... But hey, no more glowing!" You tried to sound cheerful at the end. The glowing really had gone away, sometime while you were asleep, you just hadn't noticed til now.

"I'm sorry... I should've found you first last night. As soon as I'd realised he'd escaped..." Sam continued.

"Sam..." You decided to cut in before you heard more apologies from another Winchester. "You were kinda occupied yourself. I heard him chasing after you too... Besides, nothing bad happened. These cuts aren't new to me... And what better place to learn how the protection spell works, then here right?..."

Sam's face was frustrated. "That's not the point! He could've seriously hurt you, or worse. We're the ones that are supposed to be protecting you!"

"It's not your job to protect me Sam... I know you and Dean think it is, but it's really not." You reached out and grabbed Sam's hand in your own, hoping to make him understand that you didn't blame him and that everything really was okay. "Sam... It's really okay. I don't blame Dean for what happened. And you... You were being chased too. There's no way you could've done anything for me..."

"I've been here, living in the bunker with you for months now... You think I would've tried to pick up some kind of self defence or something." You chuckled as you relayed your thoughts as they came to you aloud. "I didn't know what to do Sam! " Your voice raised slightly with your own frustrations. "But I'm lucky the spell kicked in when it did... And it all worked out fine..."

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now