Chapter 14: Location, Location, Location

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April 2014

You woke up the next morning at 5:30, only thanks to the alarm you'd set the night before. Dean hadn't given you a specific time but, first thing in the morning, by his standards, generally meant 6ish.

As you pressed the stop button on the screen of your phone to turn your alarm off, you saw a text notification from Dean. Shit... He was already up. On further inspection however, you realised he'd only sent the message about ten minutes before. At least you weren't too late, if late at all.

- Bring your hoodie. -

Bring your hoodie? It was April and the days were getting warmer. Weird, you thought, but you pulled it out of your cupboard when you fetched the rest of your clothes for the day.

You hurried to the bathroom to take care of things. Toilet, shower, getting dressed, brushing your teeth, and then stopped back by your room again, to pick up your small purse, with phone, earphones and credit card tucked inside. Your abducted life sure was simple, compared to the life you used to lead. Minus, dealing with angels and demons of course.

When you arrived in the war room, you were relieved to see Dean wasn't there yet, which meant you'd beaten him. All that rushing around for nothing. But not a moment later, he appeared from the direction of the mess room. He was less agitated than he was the night before and you were determined not to change his mood back to the later.

"Morning." You hesitated a little with your greeting and he seemed to pick up on it, eyeing you cautiously.

"Morning." Dean gave you a once over. "Good. You got the message."

Message? Oh right. The hoodie. "Um... Yeah... Wh-what's with the hoodie?"

Dean huffed a small smile. "There's a warrant out for your arrest, remember?... And we'll be in that jurisdiction... So unless you have a balaclava or can change your hair colour on the spot, that hood will help keep you hidden."

The arrest warrant. Right... That hadn't even crossed your mind until Dean had said it. And now you realised how dumb you were to consider leaving the bunker on your own. The thought to cover up would never have crossed your mind and no doubt, you would've been arrested again in no time.

Lowering your head, you whispered. "Right..."

Come on... Let's get going. We can grab some food on the way." And Dean moved over to the stairs, turning as he reached the first step, to make sure you were going to follow him, having not budged yet yourself.

Together, you climbed the curved staircase and stepped out into the early morning light. It had been a long time since you had seen the sunrise, rarely ever leaving the bunker at this time, if at all, to see one. It was stunning, and you stood there for a second to appreciate the view.

Dean had already moved over to the drivers side door of Baby, but he watched you as you took it all in, smiling, from what you could tell from where you were standing.

You began to walk around to the passenger side, and as you did, you noticed, Baby's scars had already been repaired. When the hell did he have the time to do that, you wondered to yourself.

The two of you hopped into the front bench seat. Dean revving the engine instantly, alerting a flock of birds that were in the nearby grass shoots.

It had been a while since it had been just you and Dean, together on the road. And it reminded you of your first week in the States. A time when you didn't believe the monster and hunting stories Dean had told you. How oblivious you truely were back then.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now