Chapter 09: Home Alone, With Kevin Tran

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January 2014

As dinner time came and went, and you continued to avoid the mess room, you began to feel really hungry. It had been close to six hours since you'd eaten the left over pizza Dean had brought you where you still sat in the library.

"Screw it." Speaking to no one. You sat up out of your chair, walked across the wooden floor of the library, stepping down into the war room, past the large table and into the hallway entrance that led to where you knew you'd find food.

You hesitated at the doorway across from the small kitchen that resided in the mess room. Stepping to the side slightly, you were able to eye off the coffee machine that had been placed back in its usual spot on the long buffet bench that sat to the right of the door. No sign of Kevin.

Taking a minute to consider what it was you wanted to eat, and what was the easiest meal option you could grab without too much preparation, you planned your dash across the kitchen.

Mentally, you counted down. 'Okay, three, two, one...' And you hastily moved towards the fridge that stood opposite you, opened the heavy door and grabbed the butter, bread and the first condiment you found. Jam it is, you thought to yourself. And placed them on the kitchen island close by.

You grabbed a plate from the stacks of crockery that were kept under the island and set about making your sandwiches. One for now, one for later so you didn't have to come back. When you were done, you put the unused portions back in the fridge and grabbed two beers while you were there. One for now, one for later. You didn't care if the second went warm while you were drinking the first, placing them next to your plated sandwiches.

You then moved to the pantry and grabbed a packet of chips from your snack collection you kept in there, noticing that a couple of items had gone missing. Dammit Dean, you mentally cursed. And then picked up a banana from the fruit bowl, that only you and Sam ate from.

Moving back to the kitchen island with your extra goodies, you proceeded to pick up your plate and beers, balancing everything nicely in your arms and hands, thanking the casual waitress job you'd once held during your university years. And then darted back out of the mess room, daring a glance at the coffee machine as you left.

You had successfully avoided Kevin you thought to yourself, as you moved through the halls to your bedroom. A little bit more confidently the further you moved away from the mess room.

Placing your collection of eats on your bedside table, you sat down on your bed and began to take a bite of your jam sandwich. It wasn't the most amazing dinner, but it sure hit the spot.

You decided you may as well pick back up on your Game of Thrones viewing and grabbed your phone to open up the Netflix app. But movement in the corner of your eye stopped you from pressing down on the play icon.

"Avoiding me?" A voice you'd never heard before spoke into the room. Fuck...

Kevin Tran looked younger than you, maybe closer to your siblings age. And as his name suggested, he was of Asian descent, close in height to you, and dressed like a regular person. He was no longer see through, looking as solid as you would expect a normal person to be. Except you knew he wasn't normal, he was a ghost.

And luckily, like Casper, he was friendly. In fact the two of you got on like a house on fire. Most likely due to the two connections you shared, Sam and Dean. And you discussed at length how the two of you had come to know them.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now