Chapter 25: It Was Dean Winchester, At The Impala, With The Handcuffs

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September 2014

The four of you split up to find the rest of the people in the house, each with a silver knife in hand, hoping to uncover the shapeshifter. Sam with Olivia and you with Dean.

Together with the older hunter, you ran into Dash and Amber in the billiard room. Sprung would be a better way to describe how you found the two of them, making out behind the heavy door of a large closet. Heddy and Beverly had been right about Stanton's wife all along. She had indeed been sleeping around, only with Dash, who claimed they were in love. Having gotten bored at a clambake the previous year.

That was way too much information for your liking, and you exchanged a glance with Dean. An unspoken, 'rich people, am I right' look was communicated between the two of you and you had to hold back your giggle.

Dean took the butter knife you held, gently from your hand, stepping forward to hold the two he now had towards the lovers. "Touch these." He commanded.

"What? Why." Dash spoke on his and Amber's behalf.

You could see Dean's frustration beginning to show again and he further demonstrated it to Dash and Amber with irritation in his voice. Aggressively shoving the butter knives closer to their faces. "Do it or I go cards up on your whole clambake."

The two of them, although clearly displeased with his actions, followed along with what he asked. Amber adding after she had touched it with, "Did we pass?" When nothing clearly happened.

"Yeah... Don't worry. Your secret is safe with us. Come on you two... Sweetheart." And Dean winked at you as he ushered them and you out of the room. His hand guiding you next to him, reminding you to stay close.

The care he was showing you, though very welcome, was making it hard for you to focus on what was happening. Your thoughts were trying to bring you into a fantasy of you and him being caught in that closet, in a similar predicament. And you forcibly had to pinch yourself to hone in on the current task at hand.

You found Sam, nestled in between Heddy and Beverly on a small couch in what appeared to be a sitting room. His face showed obvious discomfort but the two older women ignored it, had they even noticed it at all. Heddy was stroking his leg and Beverly was leaning against him, his arms around both of their shoulders. He must've had the silver butter knives tucked under the sleeve of his jacket, resting against his palms you assumed. Either that or his face gave the wrong impression and he truely was enjoying himself.

"Sorry to interrupt." Dean teased Sam as he stood up and walked over to join you. Dash and Amber exchanging past him as he moved to join the two matriarchs.

Sam whispered under his breath. "Grey gardens clear." Their smirks not going unnoticed by you. Typical boys...

Clearing your throat to remind them where they were, you spoke up. "They are too."

"And they're a thing, by the way..." Dean chimed in. Resulting in Sam bearing a grin again, choking a little as he turned around to look at Dash and Amber. There was clearly some fondling going on as they stood in the back of the room.

Sam turned and looked in your direction, his expression turning sullen. "Well... That's everyone then... Except for..." But he didn't get to finish his sentence as a woman's scream, a few rooms over caught your attention. And you glanced around the room to realise Olivia was no longer in there with you.

What now?

Racing towards the scream, Bunny's family included, the seven of you found Olivia in the bathroom a few doors down with a body, the Detectives's, face down in the toilet.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now