Chapter 35: Touched By God

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December 2013

- You're still coming tonight right? -

You were too lazy to type a message back to Amy, so instead you called her phone, getting an annoyed response on the other end. "Dude, I'm busy!"

That made you chuckle. You knew very well that she wasn't busy. She was most likely sitting on her couch watching TV as her two cats walked around her feet or sat on her shoulders. There was a slight chance she was already getting ready, but you doubted it very much. Amy was a procrastinator.

"I was too lazy to type anymore. Besides, I've got shit to do, before we go out tonight..." You were currently trying to catch up on your housework. You needed to get your washing done so it had time to dry before tomorrow afternoon, Sunday afternoon. And there was no way you planned on doing any of that hungover the next day.

"So you are coming then? You wearing a dress?" Amy enquired from the other end.

"Yeah nah, I'm going with jeans. Too lazy to shave my legs tonight. And yeah I'm coming. Charles convinced me." You sighed as you thought of your mutual friend. You had spoken to him only an hour before when he had checked to make sure you would be attending his little get together. Going clubbing tonight had been his idea.

There was a pause from Amy. "Oh really? Why does that not surprise me... I'm telling you man, he definitely wants more from you..." You laughed loudly at that, brushing your bestie off. "No he doesn't. He's just, extra... Thats all."

"No Ryan is extra. And he's gay. Charles is a whole other class... He's just waiting on the sidelines to swoop in when the timings right..." Amy wasn't going to drop it. She never did.

But you expertly changed the topic. "So who's coming tonight? Besides you, me and Charles? Maddy or Emma?"

"Maddy yes. Emma won't go, you know that. It's totally not her thing. I think Jess is bringing Stu.... And um, Kyles, she'll be there too." Amy replied over the sound of her TV. You knew it. She wasn't busy at all.

"So pretty much the whole gang. Minus Em... Sweet!... I better let you get back to what you're doing then..."

***** ***** ***** *****

November 2014

"And these people you started your evening with? You knew them well?" Metatron asked as you finished your story, right up to when Dean had found you at the police station. He had asked you other questions throughout. But he kept going back to your friends. He seemed most interested in them.

"Yeah... I told you that."

The angel before you took in a deep intake of air. "There was no one new or no one that bothered you?"

You thought back to that night. You'd been in a nightclub with people everywhere. You could say you met heaps of people really, but you didn't exactly talk to any of them. "There was this one tosser that wouldn't leave me alone but, my friend Charles set him straight. And he buggered off."

Metatron seemed confused by the word tosser, at least that's what you thought. "Tosser, um, he was a dick." Dean chortled from behind you.

But the word you used wasn't what he had wanted you to elaborate on. "This Charles. You said he orchestrated you and your friends that night... He also 'set the other suitor straight' when he wouldn't leave you alone? It seems he wanted your attention that night?"

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