Chapter 15: Afraid

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April 2014

"Wondering what you're doing here Romeo." Crowley sarcastically replied to Dean. "I don't see how taking the little marsupial out for ten cent wings and stale beer is helping you find Carrot Top."

"Come on darling. You can do much better than squirrel..." You put two and two together, realising what the King of Hell had just called Dean. The dude sure loved nicknames. And you had to stifle your giggle.

The humour of it all quickly faded when Crowley began to eye you up and down. Sending shivers up your spine. He moved to stand next to you, his hand leaving his jacked pocket to rest on your shoulder. You could smell the scent of his cologne mixing with something familiar but unpleasant. Was that, eggs... That must be the sulphur Kevin had told you about.

"I swear to god Crowley, don't touch her..." And Dean came over to you and roughly pulled you away from the demon. As the two of you moved to the safety of the other side of the pool table though, his treatment became gentler. He seemed to purposely place himself between you and the table, further keeping you from Crowley's reach.

"What're you going to do, Dean? Kill me, in such a public place?" Crowley spat out, glaring around the room. "No... Not in front of your girlfriend here..."

"Go to hell..." Dean growled back. He was relaxed, but this aggression was something new to you. Something you'd never seen from anyone before, let alone him.

"Oh, if only." Crowley continued with a sly smile. "Tell me Dean... I thought you wanted to kill Abaddon... But if I didn't know you any better, I'd say you were stalling... Just between us girls, how did you feel when you sunk the First Blade into Magnus's head? Hmm?"

You weren't naive. Scrap that, yes you were....

You knew Dean was a killer. He'd told you so himself. As had Sam. But hearing the words from Crowley, that Dean had indeed killed Magnus with the First Blade, was like hearing the information for the first time. Like a light bulb moment in your mind. This man, your friend, Dean Winchester, he was dangerous. And yet, strangely, you still felt so safe and secure with him.

"Not half as good as I'm gonna feel when it's yours." Dean's voice was low, soft even, calm and collected.

Crowley chuckled at that, an almost cheeky grin forming his features. "I love it when you talk dirty... You know what I think? I think you felt powerful, virile... And, afraid."

"Afraid?" There was amusement in Dean's voice.

"Don't scam a scam artist darling. You're stalling 'cause you're scared." Crowley finished off, before raising his hand into the air, his fingers snapping together, as he disappeared from sight.

If you'd have blinked you would've missed it. And if you hadn't have already been aware of the supernatural world and the fact that Crowley, was indeed a demon, you might've been confused, startled even, that a man had been there one second and gone the next.

You turned your gaze to Dean who was still standing in front of you. His right arm held the pool cue, butt on the floor, tip pointing upwards. His hand gripped the shaft tightly in the middle, the veins in his arm, visible as he'd taken his jacket off when you entered the bar. They were engorged and pulsating.

"Dean?..." You spoke to him, a questioning in your voice.

Dean didn't respond and you moved your free hand forward to gently touch him on the shoulder, reminding him of your presence as if he might have forgotten. He flinched at the touch

He stood still for a time, his breathing loud enough to be heard from where you stood behind him. You continued to watch his right arm as the strained muscles gradually began to relax, his grip on the pool cue lessening as the veins began to disappear back into his arm.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now