Chapter 08: My First Ghost

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January 2014

You jolted awake. The soft glow of the bunkers early morning lighting was dim. But there was something odd about it. It was flickering in and out, at odd intervals. And the air in your room was colder than you remembered it being the night before you'd laid down in your bed.

"Sam!" Deans gruff voice echoed loudly down the hall from your room. He sounded panicked. And that in turn, made you panicked as well.

"Dean?" Sam's reply further away than Dean.

The bunker was quiet again but the dim lighting continued to flicker on and off. You released the breath you hadn't realised you'd been holding and waited, listening for any movement and watching intently at the base of your doorway, checking for the shadows of feet.

About a minute later, you saw the sock covered toes of one of the brothers, just visible through the crack under your bedroom door. The tapping of Dean's knuckles was soft and you heard him whisper your name from the other side.

You rose from your bed, folding your arms across your chest, wearing the pair of sweats and the loose long sleeve tee you'd bought the day Dean had taken you shopping. You were bralesss and normally would put on your sole hoodie or cardigan to cover yourself around the bunker, but your mind was on what was happening.

"Yeah..." You answered into the night, hoping you were loud enough for Dean to hear. You assumed he must've because he gingerly opened the door to your room, peeking in. He also appeared to be wearing sleep clothes. The first time you'd witnessed it. So the man does sleep.

He saw your approach through the gap he made with the door and the wall and looked you up and down. "Ah..." he cleared his throat. "Everything ok in here?"

Huh? You weren't the one that had yelled into the night. "Um..... yeah.... Why? What's going on?"

"Dean?" Sam rounded the corner.

The two men then led you down the hall, purposely positioning you between them, Sam in front, Dean behind you, as you walked through a door that led you into the back entrance of the library. One of the old desk spindle chairs was whirling around in slow motion, steady and even paced.

Sam moved ahead of you, nimbly criss crossing his legs as he walked, his arms braced in front of his torso. He stopped in front of a display stand of swords and picked out the one in the centre.

He gripped the sword with twin hands, holding it in a manor you'd seen plenty of times in anime and old samurai films. And began to move again, fast paced this time as he swept across the library towards the war room.

You considered following him, but turned behind you to see Dean, very alert, holding a long gun in his hands. Where the hell did that come from? He moved in close to you and gently nudged you behind him with his shoulder.

The lights in the bunker continued to flicker and out of the corner of your eye, over to the left you saw the outlining shape of a fourth person in the area of the bunker you were standing in with Dean. The mass wasn't solid, you could see the furniture and wall behind it, and tiny streams of electricity seemed to move all around it.

You couldn't scream. You couldn't even speak. You stood there frozen unable to alert Dean to what you were seeing. Although no doubt, he had seen it too.

The see through, person sized mass started disappearing and then reappearing in the room, each time moving a small amount of space. You followed it as it moved towards the war room where Sam was and you saw ahead, the war room table flicker on and off. You had no idea the table could light up like that.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now