Chapter 33: What She Saw

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November 2014

You ended up staying with Cass and Claire for another night, totalling your time with them at close to thirty six hours. An extra eight away from Sam and Dean, if you counted the drive back to the bunker.

After two good nights sleep, Claire's demeanour turned back into the one that Cass knew and the one you suspected she had all along. While she was grateful to you for spending the time with her, she barely spoke to the angel.

She refused to come for the drive back to the bunker with you and Cass, preferring to stay in the motel to wait for him on his return. You had a sneaking suspicion she wasn't going to be there when he did, but you didn't tell him that. Not yet anyway. You knew she needed space and would contact either of you if she needed to.

Dean was also a sour topic for her, wanting nothing to do with him. She had labelled him a monster and you had had to hold your tongue when she said it. To her, he probably did look like a monster. The way he... You had decided not to think about it, especially when it haunted you in your sleep. Focusing only on the good parts of him. After all, he had been nothing but kind, and more to you.

When you arrived at the bunker, it was late in the afternoon. You were exhausted thanks to the lack of sleep you'd had over the last three days. But you tried your best not to let it show. Less Cass or the Winchesters be worried about you. You didn't want to think about the nightmares yourself, let alone explain it to them. What would Dean think if he knew?

It was odd, coming down the curved metal stairs like that, with Sam and Dean waiting for you at the bottom. The younger brother moved to you first, pulling you into one of his towering bear hugs. "Hey Glowworm! It's good to see you."

Sam stepped away from you to greet Cass, who came down the stairs behind you. And then there was Dean, his eyes narrowed as he first took you in, before pulling you close. He looked better than when you'd seen him the other night. The cut on his forehead had been plastered and he looked more himself. Not out of it, as he had appeared in the car when you'd asked him if he was alright.

Dean released you from his hug, but not before kissing your forehead as he had done many times before. "Welcome home." He added as he stepped back.

Home. Was it odd that the bunker was now your home? No. This place. It was definitely home now.

"How's Claire?" Sam asked Cass from behind you.

"She's barely speaking to me. Like a wounded animal, just watching. She took kindly to another female though." Cass turned to you as he continued. "Thank you, for helping her. She's at least settled for now."

You brushed him off, shaking your head and shrugging your shoulders. "It was nothing... But, um, I'm not sure she's going to be there, when you return..." You spoke your last few words quite spaced apart.

The three men all looked at you shocked at that statement. Cass definitely more upset than the others. "Why didn't you say something earlier?"

"Because she needs space Cass. She needs to sort through things herself... She'll reach out to us if she needs to." The angel looked defeated again. "I could be wrong though. Only one way to find out..."

"Look, Cass, you know what? You really tried to do the right thing that night. You did. But you should listen to Glowworm. That's the reason you wanted her advice in the first place yeah?" Cass seemed to listen to Sam and that annoyed you a little. "She lost someone important to her, even if we know he was using her."

"Well, she thought he was kind. And for that, she loved him."

As Cass mentioned love, you scoffed, muttering under your breath "Yeah. Love." You still stood by what you said the other night, that the man was only after one thing.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now