Chapter 36: One Whole Year

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A/N: This is another long one :)

December 2014

This time last year, you were in your Sydney apartment, getting ready for a night out with friends. A world away from were you now found yourself. Monsters existed. As did angels, demons and God. And you were friends with two men that hunted them all. Fought them. Were friends with things that went bump in the night. Sam and Dean Winchester.

My how your life had changed in that time. You were a fugitive. There was a warrant out for your arrest. You had dined with werewolves. Become friends with a ghost, who also happened to be a Prophet of the Lord when he was alive. There was now a tattoo on your arm, along with the scars that were somewhat responsible for bringing you to the United States.

You had met the King of Hell, Crowley, and been nicknamed koala by him. He was also the first person to call you Glowworm. You had met three angels and shared a hotel room with one of them. Technically, Castiel didn't actually sleep though.

Dean, your closest friend, whom you most definitely had romantic feelings for, had become a demon and attacked you. He and his brother Sam had taught you self defence and you now carried a gun with you, everywhere, much to your distaste. You had dressed up as an FBI agent, helping the Winchester brothers on their 'cases' around the country, chasing after witches and ghouls.

And most importantly, you had learned, that it was God who had brought you here. For, God, knows what. Pun not intended.

When Metatron had revealed this information to you, he had also ever so kindly set the protection spell off that lined your body. Like the first two times, your scars had healed in just over a week. While you waited for them to do so, Sam and Dean had made sure you took it easy.

They weren't mad that you had snuck into room 7B and faced Metatron by yourself. But they were more anxious about your situation now. Believing that if God had brought you here as Metatron and now Cass seemed to think, it could lead to others showing interest in you.

While you reasoned with them that that was undoubtably why you must have the protection spell on you in the first place. They refused to take any chances. Not allowing you to be left alone without at least one of them present. Which was good for you in a way. Because if they both had to leave the bunker, it meant you had to as well.

During the week your cuts were still covered by bandages, Sam had taken a case on his own in Indiana. A vengeful spirit had been terrorising the workers at a factory there. Dean had stayed behind with you and you spent most of the time researching the Mark of Cain some more. Metatron hadn't delivered the goods you were hoping for and Cass had returned him to Heaven.

Claire seemed to be doing better. She was talking to Cass now and she occasionally checked in with you. Usually a couple of days after you contacted her though. She was in Pontiac still, but she had found a couple of friends to stay with, who seemed above board. Cass had met them, and that satisfied you. At least you tried to find comfort in that. You weren't sure how good Cass' people skills actually were.

She was also a little more accepting of Dean. At least she let you convince her that he wasn't a monster. But then again, she agreed by text and everyone knows, texts are hard to convey feelings. Her words could have easily been sarcastic.

A few days after Sam had returned from his case, the brothers decided it was time for you to meet Jody Mills. You wondered if it had been the Winchesters idea or if Jody had pulled their legs to do so. Either way you didn't mind. You enjoyed every minute of the five-ish hour drive, arriving shortly before dinner.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now