Chapter 24: My First Shifter

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September 2014

The boys decided that their first point of call after leaving the estate, was to visit a pawn shop, hoping to cash in the old cross for 'beer money'.

"Real classy guys." You had joked with them.

"Hey, if you want to benefit from the beer too, than you keep your opinions to yourself." Dean retorted back through the rearview mirror. Man it was good to be out of the bunker like this, travelling around with them.

Unfortunately, for Dean and Sam. The 'rocks' turned out to be fake. But the man who evaluated the cross for them, discovered it was in fact a key. And naturally, the oddity of Bobby being left a key by Bunny, meant the boys had a strong curiosity to find out what the key belonged to. So rather than heading home again, much to your happiness, the three of you returned to the estate to ask the Buttler what he knew.

When Dean pulled Baby back into the estate it was evening, and you couldn't help but notice the lights of a police car out front. And it brought back your memories of the time you yourself had had a run in with the United States police.

The three of you had been chatting away, speculating about what the key could possibly unlock, when you were pulled into a trance because of the car. And your sudden silence didn't go unnoticed by Sam or Dean. "You okay back there?" Sam's voice sounding a long way off.

"Sweetheart?" Dean repeated, turning around to look at you as he put Baby into park in the last remaining space of the small parking lot.

"Hmm...." You suddenly turned to look at the brothers staring at you. "Um... Yeah... Sorry." The car looked exactly like the one that had transported you from the hospital to the Police Station where Dean had first found you. You tried your best to stifle the memories, and put on a not so convincing smile. "Let's go?" You asked them.

"Yeah." Dean agreed. And the three of you got out of the car.

This time it was Phillip who opened the door to you, unimpressed with your return. And Sam and Dean proceeded to ask him if everything was okay. Which it wasn't.

"Uh... The three of you were here earlier?" A man in a suit approached you from down the hall.

You had been standing slightly behind the boys, when Dean moved back closer towards you and grabbed your hand. "Yeah. Who wants to know?" He asked.

The man in the suit reached up and moved his jacket to the side revealing a shiny police badge on his belt. You felt your breath hitch and the image of Officer tubby making a similar gesture towards you all those months ago came flooding back. "Detective Howard. New Canaan P.D... Congratulations Gentlemen, Lady..." You felt the Detective's eyes on you but you refused to look at his face. "You're now officially murder suspects."

Murder suspects... Was it sad to say you were relieved. That you were wanted for murder? At least for now, you hoped your fugitive status was unknown.

"Bunny LaCroix's brother Stanton was killed this evening. His body's just gone to the morgue..." Detective Howard answered the question none of you had asked yet.

"And you think..." Dean started. His hand still gripping yours.

"I don't know what to think. And that's why you three..." Detective Howard waved his pointed finger at each of you individually. "And anyone else who stepped foot in this house today is being detained for questioning."

Detective Howard pointed you in the direction of the room where the family were currently gathered and told the three of you to go wait in there.

Sam moved first but you couldn't find your feet. And so Dean pulled you down the hall, moving his hand from yours to wrap his arm around your shoulders. "It's alright sweetheart." Dean whispered so only you could hear. "Me and Sam are right here... And this has nothing to do with the abduction crap. Alright?"

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now