Chapter 20: Freshly Cut And Bleeding

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August 2014

Knowing that Dean was now secure again under the watch of Sam and Cass, you had decided to raid the bunkers infirmary, where you hoped to find the supplies you needed to take care of the fresh cuts to your skin. Finding what you needed, you collected the items into your pockets and hurried back to the female bathroom where you intended to wash and cover the wounds.

You filled the bath tub in the centre of the room full to the brim, and laced it with rock salt you'd found in the kitchen. You knew this was going to sting but you also knew you needed to clean the cuts, so as to stave off infection.

Gingerly removing your clothes, you inspected the damage for the first time in the mirror. Your blood stained the patches of your skin where the angel scars once were, the Enochian symbols barely visible from the thick glossy liquid. The soft glow of your skin was still there too, but fading, as you assumed the cuts were beginning to heel again. You wet the face washer you kept above the sink and attempted to remove some of the excess blood before you stepped into the bath tub, trying to avoid staining the water red as much as possible.

As you sunk down into the tub, your skin stung as the salt washed onto the open wounds. But you were determined to sit there, for at least five minutes, ebbing the pain away with thoughts of happier times that you had shared with Sam and Dean in the bunker.

When you finally stepped out of the bath, the water was a rosy pink colour, and you pulled the plug out straight away, flushing the water down the drain and the events of the night with it. You dried yourself gently, patting over the wounds and then began covering them up with the gauze swabs and medical tape you'd found in the infirmary. You were unable to reach the mark in the centre of you back or shoulders properly due to your inflexibility and the pain of stretching that way and you hoped that the blood wouldn't stain through the shirt you were about to struggle to put on.

Once covered and dressed in clean clothes, you scooped up the soiled ones and placed them in the corner by the door, deciding to deal with them tomorrow after you'd gotten some sleep. You picked up the rubbish from the bandages and tape and squashed them into a ball as best you could, shoving it into the small bin down by the base of the sink. You would need to dispose of this too, and you were relieved to remind yourself that Sam and Dean both stayed out of this bathroom and would be none the wiser to your cuts. They had enough on their plate to worry about.

You exited the bathroom and pulled the door closed behind you. The bunker was quiet and you wondered if you should go in search of Sam and Cass, hoping they had news of Dean. But it was also nearing 4am and you were exhausted and sore.

Hesitating in the hall, considering your options, you decided you should probably try for an update, but you weren't sure where to begin. You had been warned against going into the archive room while Dean was locked away in there, and after already disobeying those orders, you decided it was best not to try your luck with that door again.

So instead, you headed to the library, where you found Cass. "Hey..." You greeted him quietly as you stepped up onto the wooden floor from the war room... "How is he?..."

"He's back." Cass turned around to face you, his eyes looked tired. "Sam has, gone out to get him some food... He's um, hungry now..."

You nodded your head as you replied. "That's good right? He'll be okay?"

"He still has the Mark of Cain to deal with, and sooner or later that will be an issue, but for now, you could say he's alright..." Cass looked you up and down as he had done each time you'd spoken to him so far. "Are you alright?... Dean doesn't fully remember what happened between you, but, he knows he tried to attack you, before I found you in the hall... And, as I'm sure you're somewhat aware yourself, you're glowing quite brightly now..."

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now