Chapter 10: Get Inked

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February 2014

The cold days of January rolled on into February. And it had been two whole months since you had left your apartment in Sydney for a night out with friends, only to find yourself stuck in the literal centre of the United States. Your friends and family not even knowing who you were, let alone being worried and looking for you. At least, the American authorities had a search warrant out for your arrest.

You had been abducted and labelled a fugitive, more than likely in world record time, and you had somehow wound up in the overprotective care of two red blooded American hunters... Sam and Dean Winchester.

Yes, the Winchester brothers hunted monsters, and that's how you had come into their care. Not that you were a monster yourself, more that your 'case' as Dean had first labelled you, revolved around the monsters they hunted. More specifically, angels. As you'd found out recently thanks to your ghost bestie, Kevin Tran.

Kevin was also responsible for Sam and Dean getting on a lot better than they had been since their fall out over an angel named Gadreel. Whenever it was the three of you, they were always cheerful, mostly directed at you, but you could feel the hidden tension between them. Until now that was. Now they seemed to be relaxed with each other.

"So some dick angel, kidnaps you, while you're drunk..."

"I wasn't drunk!" You interjected, for the umpteenth time as Dean queried the new information you were relaying to the brothers.

You, Sam and Dean were currently sitting in the library, spread out at the middle table of the bunkers library. Piles of books, papers, a crumpled manila folder and two opened laptops in front of the brothers lined the stained wood table top.

Dean chuckled, knowing he'd riled you up once again with the insinuation you were drunk the night you were abducted. "Some dick angel, kidnaps you, you're not drunk," You scowled and gave him the middle finger. "Slices into you, all symmetrical like, dumps you on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, and you and Kevin think it's playing anagrams with you?"

"He's not saying it's an anagram per se, Kevin just said it was all jumbled, there's no order to it that he can see... Just random words in Enochian...." You hesitated on the next part. "And my skin is glowing..."

Both brothers stared at you, mouths and eyebrows synced and agape.

"Your skin is glowing?" Sam was the first to break the silence.

"In the pictures and currently now, here as I sit... In front of you..." You confirmed biting your lip and waiting for the barrage of questions that would soon follow.

"Yeah, that doesn't sound ominous at all... Maybe, it's not a message like we've been thinking... Maybe it's a spell?" Sam queried, and moved to focus his attention on his laptop as he began typing.

Dean had zoned out of the conversation and was currently occupied, looking at his right forearm where his own concerning mark, currently sat.

"Any glowing?" You piped up, trying to gain his attention. But to no avail.

Dean had received the Mark of Cain while he and Sam had been separated most recently, thanks to the fight that had resulted after he had tricked Sam into accepting Gadreel into his body.

"Dean?" You softly spoke and he looked over to you, suddenly out of his trance. "You told me if I had any questions, I should just ask you... I still don't understand what the Mark of Cain is... Or why you wanted it..."

Sam had looked up at you as you brought up the Mark of Cain and he was fully focused on his brother, waiting to see how he would respond.

"There's a demon, named Abaddon," Dean began. "I plan on ganking the bitch. But the only way to kill her is with a knife called the First Blade. The mark will help me do that, but I have to find the blade first... Crowley, he's currently searching for it, he has his own self interests... He wants her dead too. And then I'll kill him."

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now