Chapter 6 - Confrontation

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Simon opened the door, confused over who would bang so loudly and urgently. "Ethan?" Now he was even more confused, Ethan was on the doorstep, pale and scared. "We need to talk." He quietly said, looking down at the floor. Simon nodded, still confused. Ethan pushed past Simon and ran up the stairs to Simon's room who followed. Simon closed the door behind him before turning around to see Ethan shaking and walking around, doing laps around the room.

After two minutes of silence, Simon walked over to Ethan and sat him down on the bed who started to breath deeply. " We kissed." Ethan said. He looked up at Simon who looked back at him with silence. "You don't need to say anything." Ethan started to panic slightly. Simon nodded and stayed quiet - He didn't know what to say anyways. Ethan continued, "I didn't remember what happened last night before but now I do remember and we kissed." Ethan started babbling. "I am so sorry. I was drugged and messed up and I know I've fucked up our friendship and now you probably hate me. I'll stop hanging out with you because I know you'll feel awkward with me around and I really enjoyed our friendship but now I've completely fucked it up and I am so sorry for that." Ethan's voice broke as he apologised and started to cry. He got up and started to walk out of the room.

"Ethan," Simon quietly said, "it's fine." Ethan stopped and turned around. Simon walked upto him, and held him in a hug. For the first time ever, Ethan didn't hug back. Simon let go of him, hurt and upset. "Ethan, you don't know exactly what happened." Ethan looked down at the floor, he couldn't bear to look into Simon's eyes. Simon continued, "You fainted after I left you to get changed, So I came and helped you. I tucked you into bed and you were asleep. After the party ended I came up to check on you and you were muttering in your sleep. Josh and Vikk were cleaning the house wand making noise and you woke up. Then you started talking to me." Ethan shook his head. He wanted to leave. He started walking towards the door again but Simon stood in the way. "Please, just listen. You need to know what happened." Simon pleaded. Ethan nodded and allowed Simon to pull him to the bed and sit him down.

Simon crouched down in front of Ethan. "You said you loved me; and you've loved me for a while, but you couldn't tell anyone. You always had to hide it because you were afraid of what people would say. You said you were mad for me and every single moment you spend with me makes you feel special. Ethan," Simon paused and held onto Ethan's hand, "you made me feel special." Simon looked down and back up at Ethan, who was looking at Simon with tears in his eyes. "And...?" Ethan whispered.

"And you didn't kiss me, I kissed you." Simon quietly replied before leaning in and kissing Ethan who, after a while, responded. They broke apart and then held each other in a bear hug. Ethan started crying and gripped onto Simon. "Really?" He whimpered. "Really." Simon replied.

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