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Simeon x Reader (NSFW)

Simeon's excitement is almost tangible. He resists the urge to widen his gait and quicken his pace, instead schooling his expression into a neutral one as he glides through the halls with the grace every angel should have. 

Everyone is at RAD except for you, since you felt ill this morning and was hence made to stay home under Lucifer's orders. With his class being the first out, Simeon has little over an hour to have you all to himself. For the first time in awhile, he is allowing himself this guilty pleasure. Simeon tells himself he will repent for this small sin with even more prayers, become even more pure to eradicate the guilt, but he knows how many times he's told himself over and over and never actually gone through with it. Constantly surrounded by admirers, only a select few people ever get to catch you alone. This is his chance. By the time he reaches the entrance to the House of Lamentation, he can barely wait anymore. Granted freedom with no other eyes on him, he dashes up the stairs, careful not to spill the chicken broth he made for you, heart and soul poured into the cooking, heels making a clicking sound on the dense marble, right up to your room. You are aware of his intended visit, but don't know he's here already. Having just showered to cool your fever, you're humming as you finish toweling off your hair, looking forward to seeing your friend.

Simeon stops at your door. It is ajar. He can hear your soft humming, the melody of another entrancing Human World song you so enjoy, and has, as a result, also made him develop a liking to. His fist is raised and poised to knock, but he stops in his tracks. His hand falls to his side and his jaw slackens. He nearly drops the container of soup. He blinks several times, but the image in front of him doesn't disappear. There you are, in your naked glory. Your skin seems to be bathed in a warm golden light, and it hurts his eyes and almost makes them water.. Blissfully unaware, you drop the towel and turn to the dresser for clothes. Simeon's gaze is drawn to the curve of your ass as you bend over, the way your breasts sway as you pull open the drawer and retrieve your underwear. Lacy strings of nothing that do little to cover your luscious body from his heated gaze, his sense of modesty is broken. He can't help himself; a dozen dirty images run though his head, fantasies of you that he buried in the deepest part of his soul resurfacing like bubbles and popping on the choppy watery surface that is his mind, making heat pool in his belly and his skin flush hot. Your back still faces him; you have no idea he's watching you in rapt, stunned silence. 

As you tug a shirt over your head, you catch sight of your reflection in the full length mirror by the wall. You stare at yourself for a few seconds, running your fingers through your matted, damp locks. Your eyes linger at your feet, then travel upward. Simeon, following your every movement with rapt attention, notices the direction in which your gaze is traveling, and he knows he'll get caught. It's too late. The two of you lock eyes in the mirror, your (e/c) gaze meeting his aqua one, sending electricity zapping between the both of you. You blink, and he's gone. There is no one at the door. Heart pounding, you cautiously open the door and peer out. "Simeon...?" You call, your voice high in the empty hallway. Silence. "It can't be," you mutter to yourself. Thinking you must've been dreaming, you quickly finish changing and send him a text. 

Are you on your way?

Unbeknownst to you, Simeon is actually there, pressed against the door in a room down the corridor, a hand over his mouth. Beads of sweat run down his forehead. His chest is heaving, desperate for more oxygen, and he can't seem to stop. He can barely hold onto the container of soup, now cooling in his grasp. The moment he hears your door click shut, he jerks out of his shocked daze and breaks into a silent run, out the door and back to Purgatory Hall, footfalls noiseless on the carpeted floors, disregarding the fact that anyone could see him. His D.D.D buzzes, but he doesn't notice it. All he can hear is the holy blood rushing in his ears,, and all he can see is you. Why is he running? He does not know. To get away. Away from what? You, or his sin...?

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