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Diavolo x Lucifer x Reader x Barbatos (NSFW)

You rush around your room in a whirlwind, grabbing your bookbag and tossing your blazer over your shoulder, zipping up your skirt and hopping into your socks as you tumble out the door. Lucifer specifically instructed you to be at RAD's student council room at 6.30 am sharp. It is now 6.28 am, and it takes five minutes to get to campus from the House of Lamentation, running at full speed. You're screwed, and you know it. You can only pray Diavolo or Barbatos is present for whatever business Lucifer has with you, to act as a buffer for Lucifer's guaranteed anger. Since you know there's no way you'll make it on time, you stop to grab an espresso for Lucifer in hope of placating him, lest your two saviors be away and sprint all the way to RAD. Out of breath, tap on the ornate wooden doors to the meeting room. At the muffled noise of consent on the other side, you push open the heavy door with effort, bracing your feet against the ground. The pressure is quickly alleviated from your shoulder as the weight abruptly disappears, leaving you stumbling into a hard chest. Strong hands steady you as you quickly regain your balance. You gaze up into a serene, kind face.

"Please be careful, (y/n)."

Flustered, you step out of Barbatos's arms, ducking your head apologetically, even though you want to throw your arms around him. Barbatos will definitely step in if Lucifer gets too angry. "Good morning, Barb."

"(Y/n), you're here!" Diavolo, too chipper for someone at Your second buffer! You aren't as happy over that for too long, managing a weak smile in return as your eyes go to a steaming Lucifer beside him, legs crossed and face like a raincloud. His sharp gaze runs over your body assessively, darkening with distaste at your unkempt appearance. Wild hair that sticks up in all directions, untucked shirt and wrinkled blouse, one sock not pulled up properly, bunching around your ankles. You go up to Lucifer, holding out the coffee with both hands like an offering and bowing your head. "Lucifer,I—"

"You're late." He makes no move to accept the coffee, which Barbatos kindly plucks out of your grasp and places on the table. Lucifer continues staring at you. "Well? Anything to say for yourself?" Chills run down your spine. He is pissed. "I told you to be here at 6.30 am. It is now 6.37am ."

Diavolo coughs uncomfortably, setting down his tea and patting Lucifer's back placatingly. "Now, now, Luce. (Y/n) must've stayed up last night studying hard, right?"

His statement is a half truth. You did stay up, but not studying. You passed out at three in the morning after movie marathoning with Levi on the couch, and taking a two-hour long video call with Simeon and Solomon. You cast a grateful look in Diavolo's direction, to which he flashes a smile at you and continues.

"Now as for why you're here..."

Your blazer still draped over your shoulder, slips off and falls to the floor. Suddenly, all eyes in the room dip to your chest and linger, your skin pricking with the weight of the heated stares. An uncomfortable silence follows.

"Um, (y/n)..." You look down, and flush as you realise you didn't do your buttons up right, leaving the top half of your chest more than exposed. You immediately scoop your blazer off of the floor and press it to your chest, face flaming as you slowly back away toward the door. "Sorry! Let me just, um..."

In your haste, you nearly trip over your own feet. Barbatos is at your back again, his expression neutral, but his dark eyes and flicking tail betray his true feelings. Strong, gloved hands settle on your shoulders.

"No need to rush, (y/n). Barb can help you with that."

Your head whips in Diavolo's direction, surprise flitting across your face before it dawns upon you what he means. Barbatos dips his head, having been granted his master's permission, and steers you back toward the table. Your ass bumps into the edge of the table. Barbatos picks you up and makes you sit on the tabletop, Lucifer and Diavolo on either side of you, watching with heated gazes. "Help her remove it all." Diavolo's voice is low and husky.

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