ᴅᴀᴛᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ

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Asmodeus x Reader x Solomon (NSFW)

Asmo glides down the hall, humming cheerfully to himself. He knows you have an appointment later this evening, and is determined to have you to himself till then. He taps on your door, then, not waiting two seconds for you to reply, he turns the doorknob and sweeps into the room with a flourish.

"Darling! I've come to grace you with my beautiful--" Asmo stops short as he sees you, madly pacing your room in just a towel with dripping wet hair. It's like a bomb exploded in your room, with articles of clothing covering the floor and bed, makeup scattered across your dresser as you stand in the middle of all the chaos. You freeze when you see him, and sink to the floor, looking like you're about to cry. "Asmo..."

Asmo quickly hurries forward, avoiding a pile of lacy fabric by the door and sweeps you into his arms, startled enough by your teary face to forget he has an aversion to messy, unkempt things. "Oh, my darling. What on earth happened here?" He coos, crushing you tight to his chest, then releasing you to stare at your face. You rub your eyes, sniffling. "I—I have a date later, and I have no idea what to wear, what to do, or how to act," you fret. Asmo stares at you for a few seconds. To your surprise, he bursts into amused laughter, wiping the tears of frustration from your cheeks. "Why, darling (y/n), there's no need to cry. You should've come to me sooner!" He grasps your hands and pulls you to your feet, flipping his silky hair. "This kind of thing is right up my ally! I, the beauteous and generous Asmo shall help you!" He declares. Taking charge of the situation, he snaps his fingers. "First things first, we'll get you all dolled up," Asmo says, already rifling through the scattered makeup on your vanity. He isn't very pleased to discover you haven't even touched most of the things he gave you, from eyeshadow palettes to blush and lipsticks, all from expensive brands not similar to those in the human world. For the next half an hour, he meticulously paints your nails and attacks your face with powder puffs and brushes. "I'm going to make you look gorgeous tonight!" He declares. Next, he rifles through piles of clothes lying around, tossing the ones he deems 'too unfashionable' away. "Where're you going tonight?"

"Just...walking around the Devildom?" Asmo nods, separating the more formal pieces from the casual ones. He frowns slightly, teasing his bottom lip. "You don't have a very wide selection of cute casual clothes. I think I'll lend you some of mine."

"Asmo, it's really fine, you helping me is already—"

"Hush, darling. I said I'd help you, and I'm going to do it well!" He winks and disappears in a cloud of smoke. Less than a minute later he reappears, holding a bunch of hangers with his clothes on them. Asmo holds a few blouses up against your small frame and squeals in delight. "These are the smallest size I own, and they fit perfectly! By the way, I forgot to ask, who's the lucky guy you're seeing? Oh, I'm so jealous!" Asmo laces his fingers through yours, a wistful smile on his face as he lays the clothes he brought on your blanket. At the same time, his eyes dip to your chest, darkening at the way the thick towel clings to your breasts. Your face heats as you remember you were too busy worrying to put on anything after your bath. To divert his attention, you blurt out your answer.

"Um, its Solomon..."

Asmo gasps dramatically, a hand flying to his mouth. Almost immediately, the most salacious smirk spreads his face. "My, my! That's quite an easy one. Not bad, not bad at all, darling!" Slightly confused, you incline your head at Asmo, gazing at him with innocent eyes. "What do you mean by that?" Asmo chuckles, his tinkling laugh lovely and smooth, just as beautiful as the rest of him. "Darling, don't worry." He bundles a pile of fabric into your arms. "Solomon won't be able to resist you when he sees you dressed like this," he purrs, lips on the shell of your ear. "The anticipation is simply killing me! Hurry up and change, darling. Or I might come in there to help you myself. That towel of yours is really tempting, you know." Asmo pinches your ass and shoves you into the bathroom before closing the door. You quickly lock it in case the lust demon tries anything funny like going through with his promise. You balk as you check out the outfit he put together for you. You highly doubt these belong to Asmo for his cross dressing. They're all in your size, and fit you like a glove. Even the underwear, that still has a tag on. And holy hell, it can only be described as one thing.

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