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Satan x Reader x Lucifer x Diavolo

You creep down the hallway on silent feet, glancing in all directions to check no one's about. The door to Lucifer'sn study is ajar, indicating he's not in. This is your chance. You slip in unnoticed and freeze as you see Satan, back facing you, pumping his fist furiously over Lucifer's desk, a string of curses spilling from his lips, punctuated by groans of your name.

"Hngh, (y/n)...ngh."

Heat floods your cheeks immediately. "S—Satan?"

He whips around at the speed of light, hair sticking up in odd places and cheeks as flushed as yours. Satan jolts and fumbles around, stuffing his erection into his pants before turning around to face you. "Oh, um. (Y/n), why are you here?"

"Er, I came to see Lucifer..." Your eyes dip to the outline of his cock in his pants. "Were going to cum on his desk to piss him off?" He looks away, embarrassed. "Satan..." You say chidingly. Satan shrugs guiltily, his green eyes roving over your body. "I, uh." He swallows, turning slightly redder. Satan is usually so calm and collected, but now, he's acting flustered and vulnerable. It kind of makes you excited. "I heard you moaning my name, Satan." You whisper, closing the distance between you. Your hands trail down his chest and finger the waistband of his pants. His breath hitches, hands coming to rest on your hips. Your lips meet. Satan grips your waist and kisses you so hard you feel dizzy. Your heartbeat quickens as he lowers his head, keeping his gaze locked on yours and pops the buttons at your collar with his teeth, an action he always does whenever you're together, but can still never get used to. The shy, vulnerable Satan from before is gone; he's now back to his daring, still charming self.

"Stop," you mutter, face hot. Satan rests his chin on the swell of your chest with a smirk, staring up at you with those gorgeous emerald eyes. "Why? Am I too sexy for you to handle?" You open your mouth to reply yes.

"What in the Devildom are you doing here?"

You and Satan both spring away from each other as if you've been burned at the sound of Lucifer's voice by the door. Instead of being instantly enraged, like he would've been, he's staring at the both of you with the most horrified expression. For a few seconds, his eyes leave a burning sensation on your skin as they scan your flushed face and dip to your exposed shirt. He quickly snaps out of it as you hear footsteps coming down the hallway, a panicked look on his face. "You two. Hide, now." Lucifer grabs Satan by the scruff of his neck, and yanks you along with him, shoving the both of you under his desk as he quickly slams his ass down on the chair. Pressed up against Satan, you hear him shuffling documents above the desktop as the study door opens and heavy footsteps approach. Two pairs of feet, clad in fancy loafers can be viewed just under the wood slab attached to the desktop, the only thing hiding you from view. Satan, following your gaze, stiffens beside you. Lucifer stands, voice above muffled. "Sir (s/n), Your Highness Lord Diavolo. It is an honor to have you here." No wonder the pair of shoes on the right looked so familiar. But who was the other person?

"That's Sir (s/n), the director of RAD's school board," Satan says worriedly, clutching your hand. "But why are they here?"

He shrugs. "Most likely to discuss student council matters." You nod, counting to listen as they exchange brief pleasantries and get down to business.

"Well, Lucifer, I'd like to discuss the overall performance of the student body this midterm season." The man who must be the school board's director says, as Diavolo walks around the desk to take a sea next to Lucifer.

"Ah, yes. Lucifer here has worked diligently to prepare the reports and graphics over here." Diavolo states, crossing his legs.

Satan was right, it's about some issues regarding the midterm examinations. It must be a serious matter, because even jolly Diavolo doesn't laugh at all. Satan shifts slightly, then hisses. "(Y/n), kitten. Move your leg a little, it's touching my..." Only then do you realize that when Lucifer shoved you both under the table, your legs have somehow gotten entangled with his, with your right leg folded uncomfortably under you and the left swung over Satan's lap. "Sorry," you mouth, trying to ignore his cock throbbing against your thigh. There's not enough space to move, so the two of you try to manoeuvre into a more comfortable position. Satan's elbow bumps into the table. Above, a voice whom you assume is the director's, asks. "Did you hear that?"

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