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Barbatos x Maid!Reader x Diavolo (NSFW)

"Ready for your first day on the job, (y/n)?"

You breathe in deeply, then exhale slowly, palms suddenly sweaty. "Y—yes, Barbatos." He brushes off his lapels with a gloved hand, cracking the tiniest of smiles as he looks at you. "Very good. Now, remember what I taught you, Doll." You rub your palms over your skirt, trying to smooth out the nonexistent creases there and also to disguise how clammy they are. Barbatos's nickname for you makes your heart skip a beat. He's about to go off for work, so he's much more serious now. "Um, yes, Barbatos." You reply meekly.

You're serving as a maid here at the royal castle just for today, since it's severely understaffed. It was quite last minute, but you offered to help out since you were free today. Barbatos was more than happy to have you help out, and personally gave you a three hour crash course prior to this at five in the morning. The uniform you're required to wear for the day is simple and modest and made of a heavy, starched material that clings to your skin. You're ready to head out and perform your duties, but Barbatos stops you. "Wait. Before you go..." You stiffen up as he comes up behind you, one of his arms banding around your waist as he presses you up against the door. The proximity of his warm, moist lips to your ear and his whole body pressed to your back makes a hot flush creep up your neck, under the lace ruffles and the thick material of the maid's uniform. "B—Barbatos?" You squeak, cheek pressed to the cold wood of the door, your fingers curling inward as you feel Barbatos's free hand reach below and slip under the hem of your skirt. "What are you—"

"Hush, Doll." Barbatos murmurs, voice a low rumbling purr in your ear that sends goosebumps erupting across your skin and heat pooling in your lower belly. Is he not finished with his earlier teachings? He really took that crash course earlier with utmost seriousness, with the full intention of having your please his master to the fullest, even going so far as to show you how to...


The sensation of him hooking your panties to the side with a gloved finger and shoving something hard inside you makes you jolt out of your wandering thoughts. You flinch and buck against his hand, which he quickly withdraws. His arm around your waist drops as well as he steps back. You immediately lift up your skirts to look underneath, forgetting the proper etiquette he...drilled into your body earlier. He doesn't even have to slap your hands away because a sudden vibration from in between your legs makes you drop the layers of fabric with a yelp. Barbatos watches you quietly, a smug smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Barb—? Ngh!" Another surprised squeak escapes your lips as another strong vibration pulses through your body, the source yet again from between your legs. This time, though, it persists, a dull thrum that resonates through your entire body, making your heartbeat quicken with each second that passes. Barbatos schools his expression, but his sharp, lidded eyes, slitted with amusement betray his true emotions. "It's a reminder for you, Doll. To not mess up today." He tells you calmly, flashing a little remote with a button in his hand. Like a warning to show you what it can do, the power he holds over you, he presses the button, and the thing you now know is a vibrator inside you thrums a little stronger, sending electricity zapping to your girlie parts. You gulp, opening your mouth to protest. He silences you with a finger to your lips.

"Okay, Doll? Remember what I taught you. I'll know immediately if you make a mistake, and you'll be punished then." You stare at him, dumbfounded as he hands you a list of chores and ushers you out of the servant's changing room. Just before he sends you off down the hall, he breaks away from his professional persona for the briefest moment, to your sweet lover as he presses an unexpected kiss to your forehead, over his gloved hand. The satin material of his glove is cool on your heated skin. "Please my master for me."

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