ꜱᴜɴᴅᴀʏ ᴄʜᴜʀᴄʜ (ᴘᴛ. 2)

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Priest!Simeon x Reader x Solomon (NSFW)

"Fuck me, please, Simeon." You moan into his mouth, threading your fingers through the feathery dark curls at his nape. Simeon teases your lip with his teeth. You feel his mouth curve against yours as he purrs. "Yes, lamb."

He wastes no time lining his cock up with your entrance, and plunges into you in one swift move. The sensation of him filling you up completely has you gasping beneath him, your lashes fluttering and hands flying to his shoulders. Simeon gives you a moment to adjust, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as you squirm under him. "Patience, my love." He catches your ankles and hooks them around his waist, then begins to move his hips, thrusting into you with slow, steady strokes. You moan his name softly, which is music to his ears. "Ngh, Simeon..."

Soon enough, you're both toppling over the edge and into the abyss of ecstasy, his mouth latching tightly onto the place where your neck and shoulder meet, your nails digging into his back, leaving crescent-shaped indents in his lovely dark skin. He lets a little more of his weight onto your, his orgasm seemingly have made him as boneless as it did you. He rolls off of you and gathers you into his arms. You both lie together, resting your head again this collarbone, catching your breath. "Holy shit, that was..."

Simeon laughs softly and pecks you on the lips. "Hehe. I'm glad you're satisfied, my little dove."

You snuggle closer to him in response, craving more of his body heat. You finally allow your gaze to flit around the unfamiliar room. "Um, where are we, anyway...? I've never seen a room like this in a church before."

Simeon blushes a little. "Well, uh. This is the consummation room, my dear." he murmurs, carefully watching your expression. Your brows raise, and you angle your head to fix your gaze on his jawline as he averts his eyes, colour blooming on his cheeks. "Consummation room?"

"Yes...for couples who marry here in the church, they may choose to come here and consummate. This room's never been used before, through." A regretful expression passes his features, and he finally forces himself to meet your gaze with tender eyes full of guilt. "Are you perhaps, angry, (y/n)?"

"No. Why would I be mad?" You ask, sitting up.

He teases his lip with his teeth, arms shifting around your waist. "I stole you away from mass and just brought you here without your consent."

"That doesn't bother me at all," you reassure him, swinging your legs off of the side of the bed, allowing your bare feet to hit the cool wood of the dais upon hitch the bed sits. Simeon sits up as well, but makes no move to retrieve his clothes, allowing him to remain completely bare. Not that you're complaining. Now that you notice, the room is actually quite beautiful, with the stained glass casting coloured shadows over your and Simeon's skin, painting them red and blue and green. "But I want to know, what made you do so?" You find yourself asking, maintaining a casual front despite your curiosity. You scoop your bra and panties off of the floor and gesture for the angel to help you.

"Was it not obvious enough? I was jealous—"

"Of?" Simeon's hands still on your bra clasp as he struggles to give you an answer."Solomon, of course. A—and had the uncontrollable urge to make you mine—"

"Hmm. I can relate," a familiar voice crows from the door, now wide open. You and the angel startle. Solomon leans again the dooorframe, grinning madly. "Wow, I never actually expected tthe to of you to get into it, in a church, of all places." His smile grows wider. "What happened to this being a place of worship, love?" He asks you. You flush, swatting you hand at him. "Close the door!"

Solomon casts an overt glance down th hallway and shrugs. "Don't worry. There's no one about."

"Has mass ended already?" Simeon attempts to cover himself with your dress, while you only stand frozen in front of him, allowing Solomon's gaze to rove over your body hungrily. The sorcerer raises a finger to his chin, still very obviously checking you out. "Well, yes. The patrons did fine without their archangel priest."

Simeon sighs, the sound a mixture of relief and guilt. "That's good. But I probably shouldn't go running off suddenly again..." He casts you a wistful look, caressing your cheek with the back of his hand. Solomon laughs. "I'm pretty sure you will."

He extends a hand to you. "Shall we all head home?"

Tentatively, you lay your hand in his, and his fingers lace through yours. You feel Simeon come up behind you, and he lays a gentle hand on your shoulder, lowering his lips to your ear. "Don't forget about me, little dove." You turn around and kiss him on the lips. "Of course not."

Solomon laughs, picking up one of Simeon's garments off of the floor and draping it around your shoulders to cover you. He pulls you off of the bed and scoops you into his arms despite your protests. "It's Sunday, so as much as Simeon would like to cuddle, he probably can't. You're all mine," he croons proudly, nuzzling you with his nose. Simeon smiles back in challenge, shrugging on his clothes, then stripping the bed of the rumpled sheets and depositing them at the foot of the dais, neatly folded to be replaced. "Not exactly. I just screwed her, didn't I?" Solomon sniffs. "Ah. Shall we head home and find out?"

Next thing you know, your stomach drops out from under you as your vision warps and spins. You land heavily on another bed, head spinning, in a familiar room. Simeon's bedroom in Purgatory Hall.

The mattress bounces again as another two bodies land on either side of you. Simeon groans, wrapping his arms around you protectively. "Warn us next time, will you?"

Solomon chuckles, tossing the blankets over the three of you. "My apologies. But I simply can't wait to get this thing started!"

 But I simply can't wait to get this thing started!"

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