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Simeon x Reader x Lucifer (NSFW)

"Ah, finally..." Simeon leans back in his chair, stretching out his arms with a satisfied smile on his face. "We're finished!" Schoolwork with Simeon is always enjoyable, no matter how challenging the assignment may be. You and him have been paired up for a presentation project on the life cycle of Devil rabbits, a species of animal unique to the Devildom for coming in all sorts of vibrant colourations. With your research completed and the script ready, there is a final touch that is sure to boost your project score for creativity. Hopefully then, Lucifer won't have a reason to whoop your ass again when he sees your other, more than dissatisfactory grades.

"Not yet, Simeon. I have a little something that Asmo helped me order from Akuzon!" You stand, dropping to your hands and knees to feel around under your bed. Simeon turns his head, an intrigued smile crossing his lips. "Really? What might that be, dear?" His gaze momentarily drops to your ass in the air, then flickers right back up as your excited face as you come back up, triumphantly holding up a large, oblong cardboard box with the Majolish logo stamped across the front. "Devil bunny costumes," you tell him with a cheeky smile. "Only if you're okay to show up to class in furry bunny onesies. If not, you could just use them as pyjamas or something." Simeon laughs, amused. "Of course, dear. I'd love to." You beam to him in return, your smile so bright it makes his heart flutter. "Thanks, Simeon. You're so sweet."

There's a note attached to the op of th box, written in Asmo's cursive scrawl.

Darling (y/n),

I was really surprised, but awfully delighted when you requested bunny costumes! I hope these are to your liking; I did pick them out with utmost care. Since you didn't specify what you wanted them for, I assumed you'd be having company. There's an extra costume in there, just in case. Have fun; do pay me a visit soon! There'll be a drop dead gorgeous, sexy pink bunny waiting for you, darling.



Asmo will always find the opportunity to get you into bed. Shaking the box, grab you a pair of scissors off of your desk to slice the binding tape. "It's a little lighter than I thought..."

You trail off as the contents of the box greet you, not the fluffy sleepwear you were expecting, but...

Tights, fishnets, suspenders, scraps of lace and leather topped off with rabbit-ear headbands. Like Asmo's note said, there are three sets of the costume. Two that appear to be made for a masculine figure, while the other, tailored much smaller to fit feminine curves comes with an alternative black lace corset to the suspenders. You nearly choke on your spit, eyes widening in horror. Immediately, you slam the box flaps closed with a little more force than necessary, feeling your cheeks heat. "What's wrong, dear?" Simeon, at your strange reaction, peers over your shoulder curiously.

Your voice comes out high pitched. "Um, Simeon, its not—" ignoring your protests, he gently moves your trembling hands out of the way, a concerned expression on his face. It quickly morphs into a stunned one, his dark, arched brows flying to his hairline.

"Oh, my."

He flicks his aqua eyes over to you, face unreadable except for the infinitesimal twitch of his lip. "This wasn't what you were expecting, was it?"

Embarrassed, you shake your head furiously, desperately trying to cover up the unholy sight from the angel's gaze. "I'm terribly sorry, Simeon. It's my fault; Asmo obviously misunderstood my intentions." To your surprise, he bursts into a bout of hearty laughter, tipping his head back. The sound of his genuine laugh is a lovely, mellifluous sound, as expected of an angelic being like him. Calming down, he smiles at you, aqua eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, Asmo is Asmo, my dear. It can't be helped." You sigh, feeling a little less ashamed at your careless mistake. "Well, its a pity these can't be used for tomorrow's presentation. There's no time to buy new ones, either..." You say mournfully, gingerly poking at the extravagant fabric piled in the box. "What should we do with these, then...?" 

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