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Mammon x Reader (NSFW)

You storm down the hallway, counting down the doors to Mammon's room. You pound on the door, barely giving him time to give you permission to enter before barging in on the half-asleep demon, still tangled in the sheets with your fists raised.  

"Mammooonn!!!" You shriek,  jumping on him astraddle, making the mattress bounce.

The Avatar of Greed jerks violently under your weight, pale hair mussed and blue eyes bleary with sleep widening. "Wha—? What's up with ya? Crazy woman, jumpin' me in the mornin like this..."  A red flush colours his tan skin, creeping up his neck and blooming on his cheeks as his eyes widen, realising you're on top of him. He attempts to shove you off him, but you only sit down on him harder. You stick your open palm in his face, wiggling your fingers expectantly. "My wallet. I know you have it." Mammon stays silent, only staring up at you with quivering pupils. You fold your arms over your chest, feeling your impatience build. That movement draws the confused demon's gaze to your breasts for a moment, before flickering back to your angry face, with narrowed eyes and puffed cheeks. He finally manages to answer. "Uh—uh? Wallet? Babycakes, I have no idea what you're talking about!" He shrugs, laughing breathlessly, panic-filled sapphire eyes darting back and forth nervously. Obviously unconvinced, you lower your head till your face is centimetres from his, breasts pressed against his naked chest. More heat rushes to his face, from your close proximity and his inability to lie. You growl, low in your throat, pinning his hands on either side of his head as you press your weight onto him further. "Don't play wth me, Mammon. I have an appointment in less than half an hour. So, wallet. Now." The tips of your noses touch. You can feel his breath on your lips. Mammon shifts under you slightly, grunting. "Uh—I—swear, I don't know!"

You glance at the clock on his nightstand. You don't have much time left. You sigh out loud, glowering at Mammon, who starts to sweat under your piercing (e/c) stare. Of course, you shouldn't have expected him to go down easily. He was the Avatar of Greed, after all. You eye the troublesome man beneath you, noticing the prick of something swelling under you. The tiniest of smirks twitches your lip. Pulling away, you transfer more of your weight back onto his hips.

"Wait—Babycakes—" Mammon's voice has turned slightly breathy, his hands resting on your hips, ready to lift you off of him. "Don't move around like that—" 

Changing tactics, you reach down to clasp his hands, batting your eyes at him. "Mammon?"

Mammon pauses, face burning at your seemingly innocent expression. He's caught off guard, with no idea what to say next. "H—huh? N—nothin. It's nothin. Just, ah, maybe—" his eyes flicker over your form.

You incline your head slowly, using a hand to cover your spreading smile. "Really? I wouldn't say this was 'nothing'." As you say that, you deliberately grind down on him, cutting him off with a grunt. Mammon bites his lip, looking a hot mess with his tousled morning hair and heavily lashed, lidded sapphire eyes. "Ngh, Babycakes..." Mammon grips your waist harder.

Deeding to give him a taste of what he could receive in the next precious ten minutes you have to spare, you waste no time grabbing him in a heated kiss, rubbing yourself against him and twining your arms around his neck. "Babycakes," Mammon growls, tone serious, the tenor of his voice vibrating deep against your chest. "If ya think this'll make me tell ya where it is, you're wrong." You pull away slightly, raising your brows sceptically. "Hm? So you do admit you have my wallet." Mammon stutters, realising his mistake. "N—no!—" with renewed persistence, you crush your lips to his in another searing kiss, parting his lips with your tongue and grazing his lip with your teeth. Mammon's hands stroke up and down your back, over the ridges of your spine and the curve of your shoulder blades, threading themselves through your unbound (h/c) hair. "Mmph!" Mammon groans against your mouth as you reach down with a hand to rub his cock through his sweatpants. His big, warm hands hold your waist tightly, fingers digging into your flesh through your shirt. You can feel him swell even more under your skilled touch—hot, hard and throbbing with want. 

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