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Grown up Luke x Reader (SFW)

*'Awakening' in this context: the period in time where young angels become full fledged ones, similar to human puberty*

Luke musses his blonde locks, and checks himself one more time in the mirror. His face and hands have been washed, flowing white robes the same material as Simeon's without a wrinkle and tailored exactly to his measurements.

"Luke, are you ready to go?" Simeon asks. Luke whips around, unable to stop the smile spreading across his face. He grabs the gift he specially prepared for you off of the table and practically runs out of the door, dragging Simeon with him. "Absolutely! Let's go!"

Four years have passed since RAD's first ever human-demon exchange programme. Since then, the tradition was continued, and more humans and angels were introduced to the Devildom each year. Today is the official reunion of the original batch of students from the exchange programme. Diavolo has been planning a grand party for this event for the last few months. After the one-year period, you and Solomon returned to the human world and Luke and Simeon came back to the Celestial Realm to give their report to Michael. The demon brothers continued to study at RAD, and looked forward to your monthly visits. However, with the distance between the Human World and the residence of the angels, you had not seen Luke since you left, only maintaining contact through letters exchanged on visits to the Devildom.

The venue is crowded with alumni. Luke and Simeon squeeze their way through clusters of dancing demons. Amidst all the glitz and glamor, he immediately spots you, already surrounded by the demon brothers. Your gazes meet across the room, and he feels sparks explode. You still have that same charming smile, those sparkling (e/c) eyes and lovely laugh. Your (h/c) hair is longer than last time, and cascades in a waterfall of tresses down your back. Over the years, your body has matured as well, with fuller breasts and rounder hips. Back then, he never looked at you that way. It was only a puppy crush, or so he told himself. He only realized how much he actually missed you when you were gone, and it felt like the heart and soul of his life had disappeared, leaving a sort of empty shell. As time passed, through your heartfelt cards and letters, wishing everyone well and telling them how much you loved them, even if not directly addressed to him, his feelings for you developed into something more. It's all confirmed the moment he lays eyes on you. You break away from the group and run through the crowd with pure joy on your face, leaping into Simeon's open arms with a squeal of delight, throwing an arm around him, pulling them both close. Luke feels a hot flush creep up his neck as your chest is pressed against his, and for the first time he notices how soft your breasts are.

"Luke, Simeon, it's been so long!" You squeal with delight, then catching yourself and releasing them both with a sheepish smile. Simeon laughs, keeping his arm around you. "My dear, we saw each other last month." Luke's eyes linger on his arm draped so casually around your waist, feeling a spark of jealousy at Simeon's term of endearment for you. He badly wants to do the same, hold you close for the first time in ages, but holds back. You and Simeon see each other on your monthly visits to the Devildom, when he comes from the Celestial Realm to gather his reports, whereas the last time you saw him was before his Awakening. His breath catches as you smile prettily at him, pinching his cheek affectionately. "You're so big now!"

Behind her, Lucifer snorts. "He still is a chihuahua, albeit slightly bigger." Embarrassed, Luke snaps back. "Ah, so you're still a grumpy old man, then?"

You chuckle, sparing Luke another intrigued glance. "Now the chihuahua bites back. Careful, Luci."

Lucifer slicks back his hair, face cold but eyes warm as he looks at you. "Yes, yes, (y/n). Gathering his courage, Luke holds out his present to you, feeling heat creep up his face as everyone's eyes go to the both of you. "(Y/n)...I made this for you." Your eyes widen at first, not expecting his shyness, or the surprise gift. A warm feeling floods your chest as you gratefully accept the box, adorned with a blue bow the same colour as his eyes. "How sweet. Thank you so much, Luke!" He encourages you to see what it is. You can already guess, scenting the aroma of Luke's signature baked goods. You bite into one of the cookies he made with a noise of delight. His baking is still as delicious as your remember, and you're touched he remembered your favourite flavour. With his permission, you distribute some to each of your friends, saving the last five for yourself to enjoy later. 

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