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Beel x Reader (NSFW)

Your feet carry you out of your bedroom, dark and silent in the late hours of the night, the carpeted hallways masking any noise you might make. Everyone's bedroom doors are closed, the lights switched off. Even Levi and Lucifer, who often burn the midnight oil, aren't still awake.

A chilly night breeze blows in through the kitchen windows, making you wish you had brought your blanket along with you as goosebumps break out along your skin. Wondering what you should eat to satisfy your hunger, you tiptoe over to the refrigerator and open it as silently as possible, the warm yellow light from within washing over your face as you peer into the contents of the fridge. You recall there are some leftovers from tonight's dinner. To your surprise, the  little tupperware boxes you neatly labelled and stacked on the lower shelf have mysteriously disappeared. Slightly confused, you straighten and close the door, then jerk violently as it closes to reveal a shadowy figure standing behind it, eyes glinting in the dark.


You shriek, snatching up a fork off the counter just as a large, rough palm claps over your mouth, a bulky arm encircling your waist and yanking you into a broad chest. A low, rumbling voice echoes in your ear. "Don't be scared, (y/n). It's me. Please put down the fork."

Your grip on the utensil slackens. It clatters to the floor as you relax and step away, breathing heavily. "Beel, you scared the Devil out of me." You fumble for the light switch on the wall. The lone bulb suspended from the panrty ceiling flickers on. Beel releases you, his touch lingering, a sheepish look on his face as he guiltily mutters. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay," you tell him, feeling your heartbeat go back to the normal. Beel, with tousled hair, clad in sweatpants and a tank top, nods, leaning against the refrigerator door, twiddling his thumbs. "Um, what are you doing here at this time, (y/n)? You're not usually up this late."

You shrug. "I was hungry." Tapping your chin in thought, you muse. "I swear I had leftover food in the fridge." At your comment, Beel looks away guiltily. "Oh, about that..." He points to a bunch of empty containers and lids scattered on the dining table. "I ate those. Sorry. Your food is always so delicious." You wave it off, flashing him an affectionate smile. "You must be hungry, though. You did give Belphie your share of chicken at dinner." Beel says mournfully.

"I guess so. You are too, right?" Beel nods. "Always." Turning to the fridge again, you wink at him. "How about we make something then? Anything you want." Beel's eyes light up. "Really?"


"Then...could we make a cake? Using Luke's recipe."

"No problem." You take out the necessary ingredients, while Beel goes to fetch the equipment. You've baked this together on previous occasions, as well as with Luke, so you're familiar with what to do. The two of you fall into a comfortable rhythm, measuring ingredients and mixing, making small talk about anything and everything despite Beel not being the most talkative or eloquent person. He even manages to resist not eating any of the batter before it's put in the oven.

"I'll put it in to bake for twenty minutes," you tell him. Beel nods. However, he doesn't move to clean up at the sink. You feel the weight of his stare on your skin as you bend over to slide the tray into the oven. Even as you go to make the icing, he's still quietly watching you. "Beel, do you want to help?" You ask, focusing on pouring out the right amount of powdered sugar into the bowl.


You look up to find he's not there anymore.


There is a sudden presence at your back. Powdered sugar goes everywhere as you jump in fright. "Beel!" You hiss, snowy white sugar particles floating in the air around you as you stare up at him. Beel blushes, biting his lip. "(Y/n), I'm really sorry."

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