ᴍᴀɪᴅ ɪɴ ᴛʀᴀɪɴɪɴɢ (ᴘᴛ. 2)

912 12 3

Barbatos x Maid!Reader x Diavolo

Your breath catches. "C—clean it, you say?" You whisper, lashes fluttering as his thumb brushes your bottom lip. "Yes." Barbatos murmurs, glancing at the Demon Prince. "How does that sound, my Lord?" Diavolo's eyes have darkened to liquid gold. Wordlessly, he opens his arms to you again. This time, you have permission to indulge him. Barbatos straightens, hands at his sides. You can see the remote grasped in his hand.

Please my master for me.

Slowly, carefully. You step forward until you're standing in between the Prince's legs. Peering up at Diavolo through your lashes, you lower yourself to your knees, producing a silken handkerchief from your apron pocket. The material of his pants is warm and damp from the tea spilled on him, and clings to his skin. Running your palm over the growing swell in his pants, you dab at the wet spots over his muscled thighs, your hand making its way higher toward his groin and then reach his fly, undoing it with trembling fingers.

Taking his semi-hard cock in your hand, you break eye contact with Diavolo and glance, unsure, over at Barbatos. Barbatos raises a brow, holding up the remote.

'Go on', he mouths.

Returning your attention to your master once more, you slowly run your fist up and down his length, then dip your head to wrap your lips around the head of his cock. You swirl your tongue around his tip, cleaning up the pearly drops of precum, then pop your lips off to run your tongue from base to tip, all the while maintaining eye contact with the Demon Prince. His eyes are lidded, hazy with lust, watching you as you please him. As you take him into your mouth again, bobbing your head, you feel his large hand ghosting over the crown of your head, stroking your hair in praise. "Good girl," Diavolo rumbles, voice low and husky with pleasure as Barbatos watches from the side, gradually increasing the vibrations the more his master praises your ministrations. He comes with a final grunt, threading his fingers through your hair and holding your head still as he shoots his cum down your throat.

"Swallow what he's given you," Barbatos commands from behind you. You comply without any resistance, gasping for breath as you finally pull your mouth from the prince's cock with a wet noise. Pleased with your performance, Barbatos increases the vibraor's power, making you whimper. Fortunately for you, you're already kneeling. If you had been standing, you dont think your knees would be able to hold you up. Diavolo's eyes flick over to the remote. He arches a brow, the corners of his lips pulling up slightly. "Oh, my poor Princess." He tucks a tendril of hair that has escaped your bun behind your ear. "Barbatos tormenting you all day must've been hard, right?" He croons, helping you to your feet, sliding his palms around your waist to support you. To Barbatos, he says chidingly. "How much did you tease her, exactly? Did she suffer much?"

Gloved hand over his mouth to hide his smile, his butler smoothly replies. "Not if she didn't make any mistakes, Your Highness."

Diavolo tuts, bringing you into his lap, yours ass fitting perfectly against his hips. He hooks your ankles around his calves, so when he spreads his legs, yours do as well. "Let me reward you for your hard work, my beloved." His voice rumbles in his chest, sending vibrations through every nerve in your body. One muscled forearm bands around your waist, his other hand lifting up the layers of skirts of your maid's uniform, to expose the lacey garter Barbatos had you slip on underneath. His fingers brush over the material of your stocking, warm through the sheer material, then travel higher up your inner thigh, making your breath quicken with anticipation. His hand reaches the crux of your thighs to yank out the plastic vibrator, coated in your arousal, and tosses it to Barbatos, who catches it and pockets it.

"And you, Barb, should praise her too. She's worked hard, don't you think?"

Barbatos laughs softly, stepping forward till you're eye level with his chest. He drops to a knee, keeping his gaze locked on yours as he pulls his gloves off with his teeth, that devious glint appearing in his eye. "Yes, My Lord. As you wish." 

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