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Priest!Simeon x Reader x Solomon (NSFW)

Simeon dons his robes, giving himself a quick once-over in the hallway mirror before he makes his way to the main chapel. Lingering in the hallway by the side to the chapel, he hears the patrons streaming in, filling the church with quiet chatter. Steeling himself, he inhales deeply, clearing his mind of all other thought in preparation for mass. He is extremely mindful of the way he conducts himself, especially on this day, not just because he is an angel—an archangel, a former seraph--trusted messengers of God. As the patrons settle down and silence fills the hall, he takes it as his cue to emerge from the shadows, his light robes flowing behind him as he walks, billowing around his legs with each step. The light coming in through the stained glass windows shining upon him and casting coloured shadows in his path. He flashes cordial smiles at his fellow clergymen and the choir, trying not to let his eyes wander, till he reaches the pulpit and takes his place behind it, facing the crowd of people who have come to pay homage to the church. Among the rows and rows of pews, he finds you immediately, your (h/c) hair shining in the light of the hall, a dead giveaway. You're dressed appropriately for mass, in a simple dress with a modest neckline, your hair pulled back from your face and twisted into a bun. Though he's aware of Solomon seated beside you too, everything else seems to fade out, the people around you blurring to a smudge of colour, the hum of chatter silencing to a quiet ringing in his ears as you lock eyes with him and smile brightly, raising a hand to wiggle your fingers at him in greeting.

You didn't believe it at first, but the Devildom actually has a church. It's situated not too far from Purgatory Hall. Although it's quite small, compared to its grander counterparts up in the Human World, it is still a place for worship, built in a show of respect for the angels who come to visit the Devildom from the Celestial Realm. Simeon, as an angel, In a trance, he feels his hand twitch to mirror your movement, but he quickly snaps out of it, dropping his hand as he realises the murmur has died down, and the whole church is waiting in rapt silence for him to begin.

Forcing a welcoming smile, he dips his head, raising his voice loud enough for the entire gathering to hear. "Welcome, my brothers and sisters. I sincerely thank you for coming to this gathering." His eyes flicker over to you again, his heart warming as you look back at him, watching attentively with a sparkle in your eye. With newfound rigour, he begins preaching the introductory rites to the mass.

The liturgies fly by, and when it's time for communion, Simeon murmurs his prayers, raising the chalice and kissing it, before waving his arm in a gesture signaling for members of the public to rise to receive communion. He discreetly keeps an eye out for you among the masses standing from the pews and forming long, streaming lines before him.

Simeon feels his pulse quicken as Solomon comes up in front of him. As the sorcerer receives communion with cupped hands, he flicks his eyes meaningfully behind him, signaling to simeon that you're there. Simeon's hands tremble slightly as you step up next, looking at him with lovely doe eyes shining with pride. You extend clasped hands to receive communion as well, but Simeon stops you. He opens his mouth slightly, tipping his chin at you to mimic his movement. "Open up, dear," he murmurs, voice low enough only for your ears. The choir and the clergymen behind him standing in the chancel stare in disbelief as the higher angel delicately pries open your mouth with his gloved fingers and places the Body of Christ on your tongue. With a gentle hand, he pushes your slack jaw shut, fingers lingering on your chin as he pulls away, signalling for the next person to come up to continue like nothing is wrong.

In a daze, you stumble back to your place in the pews next to a snickering Solomon, side-eyeing you with amusement. Once you've said your confession prayer and the wafer has completely dissolved in your mouth, leaving an unusual sweetness on your tongue, you return to sit as the rites continue. Solomon finally has the chance to lean over and speak with you. "Simeon must be jealous," he says, voice low in your ear. You pull away to give him a look, brow arched. "...Over?"

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