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Mammon x Reader (NSFW)

"Ugh, this is sooo borin!"

Mammon slumps over his desk, absent mindedly flicking his pen between his fingers. He turns to face you. "Oi, (y/n). Doncha have anythin' to entertain me, the Great Mammon-sama with?"

You ignore him, continuing to diligently take notes on the lecture. This is one of the few classes you share with the avatar of Greed, and as per usual, he is constantly pestering you to entertain during lessons, only to wheedle with you for your notes and answers to the homework after. Obviously, your patience is wearing thin. There is only so much you can handle, with so much pressure on your shoulders, especially from the upcoming examinations you are studying tirelessly for in order to avoid Lucifer's wrath. "Mammon, you should really pay attention," you tell him calmly. "This lecture covers around 30% of the material in the midterms, you know?" Mammon grumbles beside you, picking up his pen and scribbling a few words on his notebook, handwriting becoming sloppier with each stroke, before it all ends in a squiggly line across the paper. "I give uppp." 

You sigh frustratedly, running a hand throug your 

"Okay, Mammon." You murmur softly. You take out your D.D.D from your pocket and prop it up against your pencilcase, opening the camera app and ensuring the teacher and the projector is in the frame before clicking the record button. Mammon watches you in confusion. "(Y/n), whaddya think you're doing? sliding a hand onto his knee, then further up his thigh. "You want entertainment? You got it." He inhales sharply, dropping his pen as you squeeze his cock through his jeans teasingly. "(Y/n)—"

"Hush." The corners of your lips curve as you continue to hold your pen in your other hand and look intently at the professor. Mammon squirms in his chair, his hands twitching above the desktop, unable to decide if he wants to lay them over yours or grab you in return. You make the choice for him, digging your fingers under his balls and massaging them, satisfied at Mammon's growing discomfort. "Ngh, (y/n), that tickles..." In no time, he's rock hard under your hand and whispering, begging you to take him out and jerk him off. You refuse him blatantly as he bucks his hips up into your palm, greedy for your touch. Through your discrete ministrations, a wet patch has formed near his zipper, straining to contain Mammon's hard length. 

Adding more pressure, you rub the heel of your hand along the outline of his cock through his jeans, pressed against his thigh. Mammon fights back another moan, clenching his fists. "I'm gonna—cum—if you—ngh..."  He slams his forehead violently onto the desk with a deafening bang, just as you feel the material under your fingers dampen. The professor pauses, giving you and him a dirty look.

"Is there a problem, Mr. Mammon? Perhaps you'd like to ask a question?"

"Err, no, nothin. Sorry, Professor." Gasping, Mammon stutters out an apology, covering his eyes with his hands.

Giving him a final warning glare, the professor turns back to the board. Wiping your hand off on your skirt, you wink at Mammon. "Pay attention now, okay? Or maybe you want more?" 

Peering through his fingers, dusky skin tinted pink, his heated blue gaze runs over your body. He swallows visibly, lowering pale brows at you as he scowls adorably, blush deepening. Leaning in close, he presses his lips to the as hell of your ear. "Break time. Janitor's closet. You're so gonna pay for this, human."

Excitement sparks in your chest. The clock on the wall says 10 more minutes till this period ends.  Mammon pulls away, smirking, hoping his words flustered you like you did him. Instead, you raise your eyes to meet his head on, lips curling into a wicked grin. You stop the recording on your D.D.D to review the video later and pick up your pen to resume note-taking. Resting your chin in your hand, you focus on the professor again, bumping your knee against his playfully.

"We'll see."

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