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Belphegor x Reader x Satan x Lucifer (SFW)

It's late, with little demons chirping outside the windows like how crickets would in the dead of night in the Human World, the sky blanketed in midnight, speckled with stars. The house is bathed in darkness, aside from a dim orange glow from the library in the House of Lamentation. Satan and Belphegor are huddled up in there having a late-night discussion over an extremely important issue, when the ornate wooden door to the library is pushed open abruptly. A slight figure slips through the crack before the door slams shut with a bang, and they find themselves face to face with you.

"(Y/n)...?" At first sight, they can already tell something isn't right, by the way your chest rises and falls unevenly, your face twisted into an uncharacteristically anguished expression, illuminated by the glow of the single candle lighting up the space. "(Y/n), sweetheart, are you alright?"

"Um...it's nothing. I didn't think you guys would be in here. Sorry for bothering you." You turn away to hide your face, but the candlelight catches the glistening streaks left by drying tears on your cheeks. Satan stands up and crosses the space between you two to grab your shoulders, forcing you to face him. His sharp emerald eyes narrow as they focus on your reddened cheeks and puffy eyes. "Tell me what's wrong." Behind him, Belphie is wide awake and at attention, watching you with an equal amount of concern. He inclines his head slowly, the gears in his brain turning. "Did you perhaps...just come from Lucifer's room?"

"He whipped you again, didn't he?" Satan snarls. His sudden flare of outrage startles you. You flinch in his arms, and he softens as quickly as he got angry. "Sorry."

You open your mouth to respond, but only a small sob slips past your lips. Lucifer did whip you to ribbons again, over a matter concerning you aiding a certain demon and his gambling addiction at the casino, but that's not what you're upset about. It's the harsh words he said in his fit of anger that hurt more. Your eyes flick to him for a moment, then back to the floor, giving away the reason for your tears. Though you don't say anything, they know how to comfort you. Satan leads you over to the reading nook at the window, sinking down onto the cushion. You stand in between his legs, sniffling quietly, hanging your head as you try your best not to let more tears escape. "Does it hurt alot?" He murmurs, ghosting a hand over your behind, where the lashes left by Lucifer's whip sting painfully every time the material of your skirt chafes against your skin. You shake your head furiously, finally allowing Satan to guide you onto his lap. You rest your head against his collarbone, drawing your legs up to cradle Belphie's head as he flops over onto your thighs, scooping your hands into his warm ones.

"Don't cry, baby." Belphie croons softly, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand soothingly. "We're going to pay him back, aren't we, Satan?"

"Right." Satan's arms shift around you as he leans over to pick up some papers off of the table. "We were just planning out our next...endeavour."

You cheer up considerably, trying to take your mind off what's upsetting you. "Really?"

Belphie smiles deviously. In the candlelight, Satan shows you their master plan to take Lucifer down. "The Anti-Lucifer League takes their job super seriously." They actually have significant blackmail of the demon in question: an unglamorous shot of their older brother they tell you that they are planning to use as blackmail. It's another photo Satan managed to snap of Lucifer in class while he wasn't looking, with his face scrunched up unattractively as he bent over his work. Your chest aches a little as you look at his face, the one that was confronted in anger at you not an hour ago, but you quickly quash those feelings, not wanting for Belphie or Satan to see you upset any more than you are already.

"That is, if Mammon doesn't sell me out again and ruin our plans," Satan grumbles. Belphie sniffs. "He's so freaking annoying." Your lips tug up into a slight smile at their mutual annoyance at Mammon, since at the moment, you're pretty pissed at him too. Satan and Belphie get along well, not just because they both clash with Lucifer often.

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