ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴇ

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Levi x Reader (SFW)

You and Levi are hanging out in his room, having your weekly game night late into the wee hours of the morning. The large screen flashes coloured lights around the bold black font: Game Over. You blink and stretch out your limbs, stiff from hours of staying in the same awkward position. Levi takes your controller off of your lap and sets it on his desk alongside his as you let out a big yawn. He clicks off the PC. Dark rings under his eyes just as prominent as your own are reflected on your own face. "Tired?"

"Noo." You shake your head, still wanting to continue gaming despite feeling sleepiness tug persistently at your eyelids.

Levi knows what to do, even if he's shy about it. Spots of colour blooming on his cheeks, he pats his lap with a shaky hand, avoiding your gaze. "Y—you wanna take a break?" Barely able to keep your fatigue at bay, you happily keel over into his lap, snuggling into the warm material of his letterman jacket. "Just for five minutes," you tell him, taking your D.D.D out to play with as you lay down. "O—oh. Okay. That's fine." Levi mutters, grabbing a stack of comics off of his nightstand. His muscles are tense under you, but as he becomes enraptured by the contents of his manga, he relaxes. You try your best to stay awake, but to no avail. His breathing and the warmth of him against you quickly lulls you to slumber. Levi doesn't notice your hand go limp, the blankets in his tub muffling the sound of you dropping your D.D.D as your breathing evens out.

Several volumes of manga later, Levi snaps out of it, remembering the time. It's been a lot more than five minutes.

He flips his book shut, reaching over to place his comics back on the nightstand, gingerly laying a hand on your shoulder. "Henry...do you wanna continue...?"

Levi trails off, eyes widening to saucers as he finally notices you're sound asleep.

"AAH—" He opens his mouth, his first instinct being to shriek in surprise, before he grasps ahold of himself and quickly claps a hand over his mouth. All rational thought flies out the window as he trembles under you, eyes fixed to your peacefully sleeping face, seeing everything and nothing at once. What's he supposed to do? If he wakes you up, he'll feel bad for interrupting your sleep. He is a yucky otaku, after all. How dare someone as lowly as him disrupt your slumber???

But on the other hand, if he just left you like this, which is, admittedly quite a comfortable position for him, when you woke, you'd probably think he was a pervert who kept you in his lap to warm his balls or something.

Levi's face burns lobster red as he realizes he would actually like that. He slaps himself again, insides warring with each other. The poor otaku is practically foaming at the mouth as he tries to reach a conclusion. Fortunately for him, he doesn't have to choose and risk a stroke at the consequences, as the tremors in his legs cause you to stir. Your eyes flutter open slowly, adjusting to the harsh ceiling light in his room in contrast with the dimness of night outside. You slowly rise off of him, your back cracking. Rubbing your eyes, you look at his reddened cheeks sheepishly. "Sorry, Levi-chan. I was tired."

He exhales, long and deep, still blushing as he waves his hands placatingly. "N—no, Henry—(y/n). I—it's fine, really. I get that you're tired, e—especially since we've stayed up so long... Maybe you should go back to sleep...?" Levi stumbles over his words, feeling a slight twinge of disappointment as he reluctantly says the last part.

You nod, swinging your legs over the lip of the tub, senses still dulled by sleep. You smile apologetically at him. "Yeah...I'll go back to my room, sorry for troubling you..."

He catches your wrist suddenly before you fully pull yourself out of the tub. You turn back to look at him, eyes wide and innocent. "Yes, Levi?" Your nickname for him makes his heart skip a beat as he tightens his grip on your hand, fighting to form his words. In a sudden surge of possessiveness, the want to have his brothers find you in his bathtub in the morning, he tugs at your wrist lightly. "W—wait. You can stay here." His voice wavers, but is full of conviction. Slowly, he raises his eyes to lock with yours. "Y—you should know, you're a—always welcome to sleep with me—" Levi pauses, biting down on his tongue as he fumbles. Immediately, he releases your hand, covering his tomato red face with his hands as he shies away. "N—no, I—I didn't mean that! I meant sleep on me—but that doesn't really make sense, does it? Argh! I'm so stupid!"

A tiny, amused smile pulls at the corners of your lips. You happily tip back into his arms, snuggling against him. Levi chews on his lip anxiously, hands hovering over your face. "Henry—I mean, (y/n)..."

You giggle softly, turning in his lap to press your face to his stomach. "I'd gladly sleep on you, anytime, Levi. Thanks. You should probably get some rest too."

Levi buries his nose into his manga to hide his blush. "O—oh. Yeah, sure."

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