ᴅᴇᴠɪʟᴅᴏᴍ'ꜱ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ᴘᴜʙ (ᴘᴛ. 2)

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Solomon x Drunk!Reader (SFW)

It was all good for awhile. Solomon wanted to bring you here to further experience what it was like in the Devildom, including visiting a less explored area like this one. He wanted to have a few drinks with you and tell you more about this place, to see the sparkle in your eyes at the fascination at the knowledge and feel proud to know he was the one who put it there. When he left your side to obligate the demons he had newly met to deepen his connections around the Devildom and left you in Zeke's company, he assumed you wouldn't be lonely, and told himself he'd be back soon to sit next to you and be by your side.

One moment, Solomon was trying to fend off the advances of a lustful succubus, having caught sight of you and your glossy (h/c) hair, shining in the light across the pub. He couldn't see your expression, but he could see your eyes. They looked distant, detached. You obviously weren't enjoying yourself, your chin in your hand and absent mindedly swilling your drink in your cup. He longed to go over and be with you, and hence was already politely making his excuses to leave.

So, it was all going well, till...now.

Solomon tore his gaze from you for just a moment, and the next thing he knew, there was a bang, and the sounds of glass shattering and wood splintering as demons by the bar started to clamor and shout. He pushed his way to the front and watched in horror as he saw your already small frame, dwarfed by the lizard demon above you, about to hit you. His blood boiled. Solomon didn't think. He just acted. Leaping forward, he body-slammed the demon and used his magic to hurl him against the pub entrance door, causing it to break with an awful noise. Two more demons roared angrily, rushing toward him. Several strokes of his skilled hands and softly uttered curses was all it took to bring down the lower level demons. The runes under his skin warmed as they froze, mid grab for him and began howling, choking and coughing up smoke, desperately clawing at their necks as blisters filled with pus formed and burst like over a time-lapse, insides being burned painfully slowly with Hellfire.

The entire pub stood, stock-still and dumbfounded as Solomon rushed over to you, sitting up and rubbing your head. Wordlessly, he swept you into his arms, ignoring your protests, departing with more than icy last words to the gaping patrons of the pub. "I'm terribly sorry about the mess. I'll be sure to give you compensation. By the way, Zeke. Make sure you have better guests next time."

With that, Solomon strode out the door, making sure to kick the body of the lizard demon at the entrance hard before setting it on fire, too.

Now here you are, barely able to hold yourself up and sitting on a park bench with Solomon holding a glass vial to your lips. He's concluded you've sustained no serious injuries, aside from a few buises, thanks to his intervention in the fight that prevented any further happenings.

"Drink this, (y/n). It's a healing potion. It'll relieve your pain," he tells you. You stubbornly seal your mouth against the lip of the bottle, swaying in his hold and trying to push against his chest. "Nooo...I'm...hic!...fine..."

"You're not, (y/n). You're drunk. That demon threw you around like a ragdoll!"

You shake your head furiously, anger and irritation welling in your chest. Why can't he understand, you're fine--

"Come on," he presses, voice carrying urgency. He sounds angry too. Maybe even worried? No, of course not. Either way, it's not his usual teasing tone.

Losing patience, you watch through blurred vision as he tips the contents of the liquid into his mouth and cups the back of your neck. His warm lips press against yours as a bitter liquid flows into your mouth and down your throat. Almost immediately, the aches and pains in your body begin to fade away. You can't help but burst into tears. Solomon's eyes widen.

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