ʀᴏʏᴀʟ ʟɪʙʀᴀʀʏ: ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴛ ʀᴜʟᴇ (ᴘᴛ. 2)

723 12 3

Satan x Reader (NSFW)

"Really? Fine, then." You reply softly, tipping your chin up defiantly, fire sparking in your eyes as you rise to the challenge, making Satan's breath quicken as he looks at you. "Okay. Hold the book." He drops the heavy tome into your lap, which you flip open to a random page, holding up to hide most of your bodies from view. 

Eyes lidded, he lowers his face to kiss you again, his fingers slipping past the hem of your skirt and hooking themselves in your panties. He slides them off of you. You're more than willing to help him, kicking off the scrap of lace and passing it to him. Satan pockets your underwear, groaning softly as he sinks a finger into your cream. 

"It's really wet." Satan chuckles softly, a lovely mellifluous sound that sends tingles down your spine. "Is it because of me?" You bite your lip, nodding. "You nasty tease." In return, you grind down on him, feeling him grow and thicken till you're rocking against his stiff length. Satan grunts, pinching your clit and sliding another two fingers into you, eliciting a soft gasp from your throat. "Quiet," Satan rumbles, quickening the pace of his fingers. You want something else. Your hips circle, following the movements of his hand. Those three digits of his aren't nearly enough. Satan's definitely not teasing you now, and you're enjoying it so much it makes you want him all the more than if he were actually teasing you. You revel in the sensations, every caress of his fingers, his warm body pressed up against you. Too quickly, you reach climax, shuddering over his fingers, leaving a damp, creamed mess in his lap. You collapse back against him, breathing fast and heavy. Behind you, Satan's quivering against you too, the rise and fall of his chest rapid. Slowly, he removes his fingers, coated with your release. "Satan..." you keen. Your fingernails dig into his forearm, banded around your waist. "I—I want you inside me."

Satan's eyes widen, his heart pounding. He wants you just as badly as you want him. "Now? Here?"

"I—hngh—don't freaking care," you hiss desperately, squirming in his lap. You're so impatient, you're on the verge of tears. Satan strokes your hair, silencing your whines with a searing kiss. He doesn't dare tease you, now. "Hic—just—"

"Yes, Kitten." Satan says huskily, caving. "But we have to be quiet, okay?"

Whimpering, you nod frantically, itching to rip off his clothes right then and there, still unsatisfied as your core clenches around emptiness. You stifle a moan as he shifts you over the swell in his pants, erection jutting hard against the fabric. "Wait." Behind you, he shakily unzips his pants, thighs trembling as he takes out his cock. "How do you want to..." Sinking your knees into the cushions, you rise up a little, giving yourself room to reach backward under your skirt, the pleated paternal obscuring your hands from view as you grasp his heated length and stroke him softly. 

Anxious, the both of your peek around the corner. There is no one in sight, but if you make too much noise, the demon librarian lady will definitely come after you. Lucifer definitely wouldn't be pleased to hear about both of you getting thrown out of the Royal Library, half naked for getting caught fooling around. You're mostly hidden from view, by the maze f bookshelves and the shelter the spandrel provides, but if anyone were to pass by, hear anything and crane their neck in the right way...

They wouldn't, though.

Or if they did, they'd just think your were just enjoying each others time, like you normally would. After all, for regulars of the Royal Library, it wouldn't be uncommon to see the two of your holed up in the spandrel, with you in Satan's lap with a book together. The thrill of the risk of getting caught rushes through you, making your heart flutter with nerves. It makes you nervous, but so, so excited at the same time. Maybe it's because of the fact if anyone were to see you, they wouldn't really know. Perhaps because of the idea that this moment belongs to you and Satan and to no one else. 

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