ᴀᴛᴛɪᴄ ᴄʟᴜʙ ꜱᴀɴᴅᴡɪᴄʜ (ᴘᴛ. 2)

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Beel x Reader x Belphie (NSFW)

"Y—yes?" You squeak.

"Yes, sugar." Belphie kisses the teeth marks he's left on your skin. "Beel, you don't mind if I take her ass, do you?" His words send shivers down your spine as Beel shakes his head no. He brushes away the strands of hair sticking to your forehead. There's the sound of fabric hitting the floor behind you, before Beel's shirt is tugged over your head, leaving you bare, sandwiched between the twins. Your chest heaves, breasts pressing against Beel's chest. His gaze flickers lower. He licks his lips, cupping your breast in his hand, kneading the flesh and pinching your nipple, making you whimper. Meanwhile, Belphie's hand slips between your legs, expertly manipulating your sensitive flesh with agile fingers. He drags his finger through your slick, unbothered by the fact that his twin is buried balls deep inside you.

"We share everything," is what they once told you. "One day, we'll share you."

They hold to their promise now. As Beel continues lavishing your breasts with bites and kisses, you gasp as Belphie's fingers find your back hole. He spreads the liquid, prepping you, before sliding in a finger. You clench around Beel's cock, making him moan against your chest. Slowly, Belphie adds another finger. You wriggle, trying to get used to the slightly uncomfortable, but full feeling that makes your pleasure spike as his fingers caress every sensitive nerve in you. A third finger, and you're biting back screams, trembling in their laps, hands clawing at Beel's broad back as Belphie removes his fingers and starts to work his cock into you. He's not as thick as his brother, but he feels huge inside of you. Fully in, you feel the vibrations of Belphie's groan against your spine. "Ugh...You're really tight, aren't you? Always so fucking tight..." With that, he pulls back out and slams into you, making you cry out. Beel's mouth comes off your breast with a pop. As if he's been waiting for his twin to start, he takes this as his cue to begin moving as well. They effortlessly find a rhythm, gripping your hips for leverage as they pound into you at the same time, the headboard hitting the wall with each thrust. You can barely breathe between their movements; every time Belphie moves his hips, the force throws you into Beel's chest, and vice versa. So this is what they meant when they said you wouldn't have to do any work...

You can feel your second orgasm building with each of their thrusts, being filled and emptied repeatedly on both ends, your limbs tingling all over, the ringing in your ears intensifying. Judging by their erratic breathing, heated puffs of air fanning out over your chest and back, they are close, too. Their paces become sloppy in the final seconds, as you tip over the edge into ecstasy, crying out and clenching down hard around them both, simultaneously triggering their own release, hot cum shooting into you. You collapse back against Belphie, panting. They shakily pull out of you, seed spilling onto the sheets and dripping down your legs.

Almost immediately, Belphie falls back onto the sheets, drained of energy, taking you with him. Beel looks at his brother and you, still entangled with each other, smiling tenderly and tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. Wordlessly, he grabs some tissues from the nightstand and begins cleaning you up, wiping up the mess between your legs despite your attempts to help.

"Beel, let me..."

He pushes your hand away. "It's okay."

Belphie groans, struggling to get up. "Beel, hand me that."

Beel obeys, clean already. Belphie, barely holding onto the tissues, dragging it lazily over his slick skin, sliding off the bed. "I think we all need a bath."


Already, you can feel your lids start to become heavy. A bath sounds nice, but you don't think you have any energy left. Belphie pats your head, lips quirking. "Can't walk?" You shake your head slowly, unsure. You confirm it only when you try to get up but fall back onto the sheets, biting back a yelp. Beel comes over and scoops you into his arms, kissing your forehead. "Don't tease her, Belphie."

"Sorry we made it worse." He says guiltily, striding into the bathroom after Belphie, where the water's already running. "I'll wash you to make up for it." You kiss his neck, finding it in you to giggle softly. "Are you kidding me? I should be the one to make it up to you guys." Beel gently lowers you to the floor, holding your arm to support you. You legs are numb and tingly, but in a good way. Belphie laughs, joining you in the cramped shower stall. He pours some shampoo into his hand and begins soaping your hair. "No way, sugar. I'll help too. Then after, we'll take a long nap."

"If you're hungry, I'll bring you some Devilbee pudding."

Under the warm spray, you lean your head against Beel's shoulder, relaxing into Belphie's touch, feeling exhaustion wash over you.

"Thank you, I'm looking forward to that."


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